[jboss-dev] JBoss Messaging - to scope or not to scope

Dimitris Andreadis dandread at redhat.com
Wed Apr 11 08:18:23 EDT 2007

4.2.0 uses components close to the latest.

Nevertheless, remoting is at 2.0.0, not 2.2.0

     <componentref name="jboss/aop" version="1.5.5.GA"/>
     <componentref name="jboss/cache" version="1.4.1.SP3"/>
     <componentref name="jboss/common" version="1.2.0.GA-brew"/>
     <componentref name="jboss/dom4j-jarjar" version="1.6.1"/>
     <componentref name="jboss/jaxr" version="1.2.0.GA"/>
     <componentref name="jboss/jbossts14" version="4.2.3.CR6"/>
     <componentref name="jboss/jbossws-jboss42" version="1.2.1.DEV"/>
     <componentref name="jboss/jbossxb" version="1.0.0.CR10"/>
     <componentref name="jboss/microcontainer" version="1.0.2"/>
     <componentref name="jboss/profiler/jvmti" version="1.0.0.CR5-brew"/>
     <componentref name="jboss/remoting" version="2.0.0.GA"/>
     <componentref name="jboss/serialization" version="1.0.3.GA"/>
     <componentref name="jboss/jboss-vfs" version="1.0.0.Beta"/>
     <componentref name="jboss/web" version="2.0.0.CR1"/>

Tim Fox wrote:
> 4.2 and 5.0 are fine - our versions are API compatible.
> My question refers to 4.0.x series
> Adrian wrote:
>> You're too late with this discussion.
>> You should have raised this before JBoss-4.2.0RC1
>> when the api became "fixed".
>> It will remain so for the entire 4.2.x family.
>> Unless the versions of Remoting and AOP you want are api compatible with
>> what is already there, they cannot be replaced now.
>> Not to mention all the testing that has already been done
>> with these versions.
>> On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 12:50 +0100, Tim Fox wrote:
>>> A major issue that is currently providing a barrier to adoption for
>>> JBoss Messaging and generally becoming a usability nightmare, is that
>>> JBoss Messaging depends on versions of JBoss Remoting and JBoss AOP that
>>> are more recent than those available in JBoss AS.
>>> This means when deploying JBM in the AS, the deployment has to be done
>>> as a scoped deployment in its own classloading domain. This also means
>>> that in some situations the entire MDB container needs to be scoped too.
>>> There is also a related problem that EJB3 (Carlo - may have fixed this
>>> recently) was using a different version of remoting to JBM causing them
>>> not to be able to work in the same client at the same time, - and of
>>> course scoping is not available on the client side.
>>> In short, scoping is a massive PITA for us. It contributes a huge number
>>> of support cases and forum queries since average Joe has great diffculty
>>> in working out how to do it.
>>> I would really love to get rid of the requirement to scope JBM
>>> altogether - this would give a massive boost to the project IMHO.
>>> How can we do this though?
>>> If we can ensure that the latest versions of AOP and Remoting are
>>> backward compatible with early versions then surely we can just
>>> overwrite the earlier versions in the AS when JBM is installed.
>>> Tom, Kabir can you comment on whether this is possible or desirable?
>>> If the versions are not compatible, how difficult would it be to make a
>>> few changes to remoting and aop to make them backward compatible?
>>> It's my understanding, that in AS 4.x it's only JBM, EJB3 and WS that
>>> use remoting, and only JBM that uses AOP - please correct me if I am 
>>> wrong.
>>> (BTW scoping is not an issue in JBAS5 since we will align dependencies)
>>> What are people's views on this?
>>> Are there any issues I have not considered?
>>> Can anyone think of any other solution?
>>> -- 
>>> Tim Fox
>>> JBoss Messaging Project Lead
>>> T: +44 2088006768
>>> M: +44 7957983205
>>> E: tim.fox at jboss.com tim.fox at redhat.com
>>> Registered Address: Red Hat UK Ltd, Amberley Place, 107-111 Peascod
>>> Street, Windsor, Berkshire,
>>> SI4 1TE, United Kingdom.
>>> Registered in UK under Company Registration No. 3798903
>>> Directors: Michael Cunningham (USA), Charlie Peters (USA) and David
>>> Owens (Ireland)

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