[jboss-dev] JBoss Messaging - to scope or not to scope

Tim Fox tim.fox at jboss.com
Wed Apr 11 08:26:56 EDT 2007

This is really bad (for JBM anyway) :(

Not meaning to whinge but I've been going on about this for ages (well 
before 4.2.0.RC1).

Is there any particular reason AS needs to use remoting 2.0.0? Is it not 
possible to upgrade the dependency and run the AS test suite again?

We have been unable to use remoting 2.0.0 due to a slew of bugs fixed in 
recent months/weeks. Remoting 2.2.0.GA is now available I believe

Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
> 4.2.0 uses components close to the latest.
> Nevertheless, remoting is at 2.0.0, not 2.2.0
>     <componentref name="jboss/aop" version="1.5.5.GA"/>
>     <componentref name="jboss/cache" version="1.4.1.SP3"/>
>     <componentref name="jboss/common" version="1.2.0.GA-brew"/>
>     <componentref name="jboss/dom4j-jarjar" version="1.6.1"/>
>     <componentref name="jboss/jaxr" version="1.2.0.GA"/>
>     <componentref name="jboss/jbossts14" version="4.2.3.CR6"/>
>     <componentref name="jboss/jbossws-jboss42" version="1.2.1.DEV"/>
>     <componentref name="jboss/jbossxb" version="1.0.0.CR10"/>
>     <componentref name="jboss/microcontainer" version="1.0.2"/>
>     <componentref name="jboss/profiler/jvmti" version="1.0.0.CR5-brew"/>
>     <componentref name="jboss/remoting" version="2.0.0.GA"/>
>     <componentref name="jboss/serialization" version="1.0.3.GA"/>
>     <componentref name="jboss/jboss-vfs" version="1.0.0.Beta"/>
>     <componentref name="jboss/web" version="2.0.0.CR1"/>
> Tim Fox wrote:
>> 4.2 and 5.0 are fine - our versions are API compatible.
>> My question refers to 4.0.x series
>> Adrian wrote:
>>> You're too late with this discussion.
>>> You should have raised this before JBoss-4.2.0RC1
>>> when the api became "fixed".
>>> It will remain so for the entire 4.2.x family.
>>> Unless the versions of Remoting and AOP you want are api compatible with
>>> what is already there, they cannot be replaced now.
>>> Not to mention all the testing that has already been done
>>> with these versions.
>>> On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 12:50 +0100, Tim Fox wrote:
>>>> A major issue that is currently providing a barrier to adoption for
>>>> JBoss Messaging and generally becoming a usability nightmare, is that
>>>> JBoss Messaging depends on versions of JBoss Remoting and JBoss AOP 
>>>> that
>>>> are more recent than those available in JBoss AS.
>>>> This means when deploying JBM in the AS, the deployment has to be done
>>>> as a scoped deployment in its own classloading domain. This also means
>>>> that in some situations the entire MDB container needs to be scoped 
>>>> too.
>>>> There is also a related problem that EJB3 (Carlo - may have fixed this
>>>> recently) was using a different version of remoting to JBM causing them
>>>> not to be able to work in the same client at the same time, - and of
>>>> course scoping is not available on the client side.
>>>> In short, scoping is a massive PITA for us. It contributes a huge 
>>>> number
>>>> of support cases and forum queries since average Joe has great 
>>>> diffculty
>>>> in working out how to do it.
>>>> I would really love to get rid of the requirement to scope JBM
>>>> altogether - this would give a massive boost to the project IMHO.
>>>> How can we do this though?
>>>> If we can ensure that the latest versions of AOP and Remoting are
>>>> backward compatible with early versions then surely we can just
>>>> overwrite the earlier versions in the AS when JBM is installed.
>>>> Tom, Kabir can you comment on whether this is possible or desirable?
>>>> If the versions are not compatible, how difficult would it be to make a
>>>> few changes to remoting and aop to make them backward compatible?
>>>> It's my understanding, that in AS 4.x it's only JBM, EJB3 and WS that
>>>> use remoting, and only JBM that uses AOP - please correct me if I am 
>>>> wrong.
>>>> (BTW scoping is not an issue in JBAS5 since we will align dependencies)
>>>> What are people's views on this?
>>>> Are there any issues I have not considered?
>>>> Can anyone think of any other solution?
>>>> -- 
>>>> Tim Fox
>>>> JBoss Messaging Project Lead
>>>> T: +44 2088006768
>>>> M: +44 7957983205
>>>> E: tim.fox at jboss.com tim.fox at redhat.com
>>>> Registered Address: Red Hat UK Ltd, Amberley Place, 107-111 Peascod
>>>> Street, Windsor, Berkshire,
>>>> SI4 1TE, United Kingdom.
>>>> Registered in UK under Company Registration No. 3798903
>>>> Directors: Michael Cunningham (USA), Charlie Peters (USA) and David
>>>> Owens (Ireland)
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Tim Fox
JBoss Messaging Project Lead
T: +44 2088006768
M: +44 7957983205
E: tim.fox at jboss.com tim.fox at redhat.com

Registered Address: Red Hat UK Ltd, Amberley Place, 107-111 Peascod 
Street, Windsor, Berkshire,
SI4 1TE, United Kingdom.
Registered in UK under Company Registration No. 3798903
Directors: Michael Cunningham (USA), Charlie Peters (USA) and David 
Owens (Ireland)

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