[jboss-dev] JBoss Messaging - to scope or not to scope

Adrian abrock at redhat.com
Wed Apr 11 08:43:12 EDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 13:26 +0100, Tim Fox wrote:
> This is really bad (for JBM anyway) :(
> Not meaning to whinge but I've been going on about this for ages (well 
> before 4.2.0.RC1).
> Is there any particular reason AS needs to use remoting 2.0.0? Is it not 
> possible to upgrade the dependency and run the AS test suite again?

There are many more tests than the public testsuite, 
e.g. the EJB3 testsuite, the TCK, etc.
not to mention the tests that Redhat ES are doing for the platform
releases that are going to use JBoss-4.2.x

Remoting is a public api anyway (its been included in JBossAS since
3.2.x when it was introduced as a dependency for AOP Remoting and
some remote JMX stuff), i.e. the api is usuable by users,
not just JBoss software internally.

> We have been unable to use remoting 2.0.0 due to a slew of bugs fixed in 
> recent months/weeks. Remoting 2.2.0.GA is now available I believe

If 2.2.0 is not API compatible with 2.0.0 then you need to find a way
to get the fixes backported to the 2.0.x branch for inclusion
in a future JBoss-4.2.x release.

In summary:

It's almost certainly too late to discuss retesting now.
You'd have to get at least Dimitris, QA, the EJB3 and webservices
teams to agree to redo all their testing.

You want to look instead at getting a patched remoting 2.0.x (or 2.2.0
if it is compatible) in JBoss-4.2.1 when they will have to retest
Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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