[jboss-dev] JBoss Messaging - to scope or not to scope

Tim Fox tim.fox at jboss.com
Wed Apr 11 08:44:47 EDT 2007

Another possibility - and I am sure you will scream in sheer horror when 
I mention it, would be for JBM to branch our own version of remoting, 
and rename the remoting packages - then there will be no conflict.

Any bugs we find in the branched remoting we make sure we re-apply to 
the main branch.

Adrian wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 13:26 +0100, Tim Fox wrote:
>> This is really bad (for JBM anyway) :(
>> Not meaning to whinge but I've been going on about this for ages (well 
>> before 4.2.0.RC1).
>> Is there any particular reason AS needs to use remoting 2.0.0? Is it not 
>> possible to upgrade the dependency and run the AS test suite again?
> There are many more tests than the public testsuite, 
> e.g. the EJB3 testsuite, the TCK, etc.
> not to mention the tests that Redhat ES are doing for the platform
> releases that are going to use JBoss-4.2.x
> Remoting is a public api anyway (its been included in JBossAS since
> 3.2.x when it was introduced as a dependency for AOP Remoting and
> some remote JMX stuff), i.e. the api is usuable by users,
> not just JBoss software internally.
>> We have been unable to use remoting 2.0.0 due to a slew of bugs fixed in 
>> recent months/weeks. Remoting 2.2.0.GA is now available I believe
> If 2.2.0 is not API compatible with 2.0.0 then you need to find a way
> to get the fixes backported to the 2.0.x branch for inclusion
> in a future JBoss-4.2.x release.
> In summary:
> It's almost certainly too late to discuss retesting now.
> You'd have to get at least Dimitris, QA, the EJB3 and webservices
> teams to agree to redo all their testing.
> You want to look instead at getting a patched remoting 2.0.x (or 2.2.0
> if it is compatible) in JBoss-4.2.1 when they will have to retest
> anyway.

Tim Fox
JBoss Messaging Project Lead
T: +44 2088006768
M: +44 7957983205
E: tim.fox at jboss.com tim.fox at redhat.com

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