[jboss-dev] JBoss Messaging - to scope or not to scope

Tim Fox tim.fox at jboss.com
Tue Apr 17 07:23:14 EDT 2007

Ram Venkataraman wrote:
> I talked to Ovididu about a month or so ago when Messaging went GA and 
> spoke about integration  JBM into 4.x and I clearly remember asking 
> about remoting. He did not raise any red flags, in fact we spoke of it 
> being compatible.
> I will raise this in the next platform meeting. We are ready to go to 
> beta next week. We definitely cannot change anything at this time. I am 
> adding Patrick to this thread to see if this something that we can 
> change during the beta period without much impact.
> Do we know what impact an upgrade to Remoting 2.2 have on the other 
> parts of the appserver ?

No, but the impact of _not_ upgrading AS4.2 with Remoting 2.2 is clearer:

1) Messaging would have been be deployed scoped for the whole of the 4.2 
series.  This means no "real" integration in the 4.2 series for messaging.

2) ESB would have been be deployed scoped for the whole of the 4.2 
series when used in app server (please correct me if I am wrong 
Kevin/Mark). Again, this means no "real" integration in the AS for the 
4.2 series assuming it is using JBM as it's default transport.

3) Remoting would be stuck at 2.0 for the whole series (or longer?). 
Since 2.2 is not compatible (acccording to Ron).

Scoping ==> useability nightmare + barrier to adoption

(AFAIK we should be able to drop remoting 2.2.0 into 4.2 without 
problems - but of course this is untested).

Also bear in mind that a heck of a lot of bugs have been fixed between 
remoting 2.0 and 2.2. So if you ship with 2.0 you're shipping with those 
bugs too.

> Ram

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