[jboss-dev] Embedded DB for internal use

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Thu Sep 6 16:15:13 EDT 2007

what benefit does a DB give you?

Brian Stansberry wrote:
> I know there've been a few threads on this general topic, so please 
> forgive if I'm rehashing old ground.
> I'd like to replace the way clustered web sessions and clustered EJB3 
> SFSBs store their data.  They currently do it to the file system via 
> JBossCache's FileCacheLoader.  Lot's of issues with that. A simple 
> alternative is a config change to use JDBCCacheLoader and have the 
> storage done to an embedded DB.
> My assumptions about this are:
> 1) Each AS instance would be *meant to* have it's own DB instance; it's 
> not meant to be a shared resource. A user reconfiguring the AS to share 
> the same db instance with the same schema between AS instances would be 
> making a configuration mistake.
> 2) It would be a production ready RDBMS (Derby ???); expectation would 
> not be that customers should replace it by default.
> 3) We'd deploy our own datasource (say "EmbeddedDS" or "InternalDS") to 
> talk to it. Internal services like I described would use that datasource.
> 4) DefaultDS could point to it as well, so the AS works out of the box. 
> But the recommendation there would be the same as now -- reconfigure the 
> DefaultDS to point to an external production-ready DB.
> Thoughts?

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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