[jboss-dev] Why Maven sucks (part 1)

Ovidiu Feodorov ovidiu at feodorov.com
Mon Apr 21 16:08:18 EDT 2008

Thank you, Rémy

The system I am talking about I delegates the build tasks to ant, 
feeding it with the appropriate dependency information. In this respect, 
your build can be as simple as "ant", no need for maven commands.

In order to implement this, the dependency manager recursively walks the 
dependency tree and detects the transitive closure of your project's 
dependencies, "flattens" the dependency tree, and in its current 
implementation, it just bails out with a loud error message when it 
detects a version conflict. It doesn't try to "guess" anything, even 
that heuristics can be optionally plugged in (I am personally afraid of 
heuristics, they have a habit of yielding unexpected results, so I won't 
encourage that)

Here's the manual: http://fragma.sourceforge.net/FragmaUserGuide.pdf

As I said before, my proposal is to use it to configure a small 
peripheral project, and if conclusions prove to be positive, decide what 
to do from there, in case you guys decide to go this route.


Rémy Maucherat wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 8:47 PM, Paul Gier <pgier at redhat.com> wrote:
>>  Just so it's clear what you are asking for, you want dependencies with
>> (-SNAPSHOT) to be replaced with the specific snapshot version
>> (-timstamp-build) during deployment?  I could probably add this as an option
>> to the deploy plugin, but I don't know if this would solve the problem.
> You do sound really fanboyish Paul, I am afraid ... Obviously, with
> enough scripting and development efforts, you could turn an Ant script
> into a proper dependency management system. However, the point of the
> tool is to provide a ready to use solution that fits our needs. Maven
> fails badly at that.
> Carlo forgot the non existent error reporting (or maybe that's for
> part 2). Do you have a solution for that too ?
> Personally, I would encourage Ovidiu to send a patch for his
> dependency system, and I'd do everything I can [assuming it does
> actually work, of course - realistically, as my influence is quite
> limited, that wouldn't be much, but it's a start ;) ] to get it
> included in AS 5 as a replacement for Maven.
> Rémy
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