[jboss-dev] Why Maven sucks (part 1)

Rémy Maucherat remy.maucherat at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 08:05:23 EDT 2008

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 1:44 PM, Carlo de Wolf <cdewolf at redhat.com> wrote:
>  Why does it fail?
>  We now have a working ant script (because it's the same one as with
> buildmagic) and dependencies being resolved by Maven. I say the target has
> been achieved.

Last friday, it couldn't get me the proper version of a JAR
(jboss-vfs.jar), for whatever reason (I don't want to know the reason,
really). It also maintains two repositories, which sounds bad to me.
Why keep arguing about the obvious ?

> > Carlo forgot the non existent error reporting (or maybe that's for
> > part 2). Do you have a solution for that too ?
> >
>  Where does it not do proper error reporting?
>  For example I consider a NPE of an exception without any context bad error
> reporting.

I could try to hack a pom and break the build to show you (last
thursday, the build got broken and I got a stack of an "Invalid POM"
with no details on what was pom was invalid or how it was invalid;
apparently caused by the pom in thirdparty, as the next update to that
file fixed it), but I'd rather not. You could also keep arguing, but
I'd think you have more urgent stuff to do ;)

But don't fear, given that there's no time to waste, the most likely
is that we're going to keep it for AS 5.0. Let's at least make a
decent honest effort to evaluate better solution for AS 5.1.


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