[jboss-dev] Why Maven sucks (part 1)

Rémy Maucherat remy.maucherat at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 10:38:08 EDT 2008

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Adrian Brock <abrock at redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 14:05 +0200, Rémy Maucherat wrote:
>  > Last friday, it couldn't get me the proper version of a JAR
>  > (jboss-vfs.jar), for whatever reason (I don't want to know the reason,
>  > really). It also maintains two repositories, which sounds bad to me.
>  > Why keep arguing about the obvious ?
>  These is really none issues.
>  The two repositories are a transitional problem because
>  we aren't fully using maven.

Yes, I noticed. One of the issues with Maven is that if you don't
embrace it completely, then it turns out to do more bad than good.

>  We use the maven repository to create a jboss-head/thirdparty
>  repository which the old buildmagic recognises.
>  Once we move to full maven there will be NO jboss-head/thirdparty.
>  It's redundant but not a real problem.
>  The jboss-vfs problem is related to the snapshots issues we have
>  been discussing. i.e. no proper version control.
>  It didn't spot the new snapshot created last Friday because
>  it only checks for changed snapshots once a day.

Ah ok. So it's not a bug, it's a feature :) If it doesn't happen
again, then it's a start. This episode was a bit stressful, since a
lot of pressure was put on Jean-Frédéric to fix some deployment bug
ASAP, and I couldn't help him.


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