[jboss-dev] Dependencies

Adrian Brock abrock at redhat.com
Thu Mar 13 18:30:27 EDT 2008

On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 17:33 -0500, Paul Gier wrote:
> Ok, I will work on this on the branch.  Is there any way we can have a 
> dependency freeze for a couple days or something, so I can update all the 
> dependencies to match?  One of the issues I have is that every time I change 
> dependencies in the pom, the versions change again in build-thirdparty so I get 
> stuck being constantly out of date.

That's going to be pretty difficult since we're all working
towards RC1 by producing RC1/GAs of our own sub-projects.

e.g. I'm trying to get the final Beta out of the all 
Microcontainer stuff so we can then get on to the final 
bug fixes/tasks for RC1/GA

I'd suggest three things:

1) If anybody changes build-thirdparty.xml, then send a message to list
(copy Paul as well to get his attention :-).

2) Paul monitors build-thirdparty.xml
That will catch people not doing (1) and it is a least an indication
that something changed, even if it might require looking at the
dependencies of what changed to get the full picture.

3) You should be able to get most of the changes by doing an svn merge
of the diff between 70847 (the revision at the start of your branch)
and "head".
Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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