REVERTED MAVEN THIRDPARTY BUILD Re: [jboss-dev] differences between pom.xml / build-thirdparty.xml

Adrian Brock abrock at
Thu Mar 13 18:33:15 EDT 2008

On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 22:54 +0100, Adrian Brock wrote:
> I've committed this change.
> The build before it was reverted it can be found here:
> I'll do a clean checkout and build to make sure it works properly
> so unless your adventurous wait for a subsequent message
> before resynching. ;-)

I've got a clean build and "all" configuration boot.

Don't forget to zap thirdparty and do a build clean
if you've previously used the maven thirdparty build.
Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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