[jboss-dev] Help needed resolve the regression

Andrew Dinn adinn at redhat.com
Fri Feb 6 09:50:24 EST 2009

David M. Lloyd wrote:
> On 02/06/2009 08:39 AM, Andrew Dinn wrote:
>> Errm, no. A tautology is a complex logical statement which is true for 
>> all possible truth assignments to its elementary components. The above 
>> is just am enthymeme for a simple deduction with a suppressed 
>> dependence upon the law of excluded middle.
> Blah blah blah.  It's a deadlock.  Let's move on. :-)
> (yes, I resent people who are smarter than me, what's it to you?)

Hmm, I think you are confusing smart with formally (and, admittedly, 
rather narrowly) schooled. Besides, you didn't mention the, ahem . . . 
deliberate, ahem . . . labelling error I slipped into my deduction at 
step B.


Andrew Dinn

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