Compatibility Requirements (Was Re: [jboss-dev] AS 5.1 and JBoss Messaging 2)

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at
Tue Feb 17 15:08:50 EST 2009

On 02/17/2009 02:00 PM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
> Tim Fox wrote:
>> Jason T. Greene wrote:
>>> I really wish we could. Tim said theres pretty much no was JBM2 can 
>>> make Beta1, but it could make CR1. The question is, would it be 
>>> stable and TCK compliant enough that it doesn't end up delaying GA?
>> No, JBM 2.0 is a major release and is not compatible with JBM 1.4. 
>> That's why we can't replace JBM 1.4 in a minor release since AS minor 
>> versions need to be compatible, and why it's being offered as a 
>> technology preview, not replacement for default JMS provider.
> Where did this rule come, and what level of compatibility are we talking 
> about? We do need EE API compatibility, and ideally all of our public 
> APIs should be BC (so that developers don't have to rewrite their apps), 
> but IMO we don't need wire protocol compatibility. You already can't 
> cluster 5.1 and 5.0 together.
> The insane levels of compatibility should be reserved for EAP, but 5.1 
> is the source of an EAP major version, so it doesn't need it.

Do we have these compatibility requirements listed somewhere?  For example, 
we'd have a better (still not great, but better) shot at getting Remoting 3 
into EAP 5 if we didn't have to be compatible (in any way) with Remoting 2.


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