[jboss-dev] Re: JBAS-6518 - Writing a test

Emanuel Muckenhuber emuckenh at redhat.com
Tue Feb 17 17:36:41 EST 2009

Adrian Brock wrote:
> But it doesn't work since this test framework uses the
> profile service which doesn't seem to like the spaces
> in the deployment either.
> For that reason, I've only committed the test to trunk for now.
> Emanuel, I think this has something to do with what I mentioned
> about not using the "short name" to identify a deployment,
> but I tried using that to get the ManagementView, it still didn't work.

Hmm this seems to be more a problem with the AbstractDeploymentTest 
setUp, as your deployment does not even get deployed for me.
I'll take a look whats wrong there, as i'm working on the 
DeploymentManager at the moment anyway.


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