[jboss-dev] Re: JBM Examples moving to AS 5

Howard Gao hgao at redhat.com
Tue Mar 3 07:49:37 EST 2009

This is a good question. I don't think JBoss AS currently has a specific 
place for examples. But putting examples in the AS would be a great help 
to users to get started with various features provided in the AS, 
without even reading the docs through first. Take JBM examples as an 
example. If we don't put the examples in the AS 5, users have to find 
the correct version of JBM and download the examples. With the examples 
built into AS 5, users can simply install AS and cd to the examples dir 
and run ant without any changes and configurations, the quickest way to 
get know of JBoss Messaging.

I would suggest that we from now on take care of examples and docs (so 
far there is no docs in the docs directory either). We can separate 
examples from docs directory, as first-level directory (I mean directly 
under $JBOSS_HOME). So there will be $JBOSS_HOME/docs and 
$JBOSS_HOME/examples. And we can add the documents and examples to the 
AS distro. This way users will no longer need to download the AS 
documents and examples separately.


Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
> Sorry to resurrect this thread but we haven't clarified where to put 
> code samples.
> Historically they were part of the jboss docs while docs/examples in 
> the distro was holding schemas/dtd, optional features/services, jca 
> descriptors, etc., but not sources.
> The jboss docs are here:
> https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/docs/community/5/
> Howard Gao wrote:
>> Thanks Shelly.
>> Shelly McGowan wrote:
>>> Howard/Clebert,
>>> The latest roadmap discussions can be seen here:
>>> http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/jboss-development/2008-December/013263.html 
>>> Commits should also be done in the 5.0 Branch too:
>>> https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/branches/Branch_5_0/
>>> Shelly
>>> On Wed, 2009-01-07 at 10:53 +0800, Howard Gao wrote:
>>>> I only know this one. :) I need to make sure it is the right place 
>>>> to go.
>>>> Clebert Suconic wrote:
>>>>> Are there any other branches we have to update?
>>>>> Howard Gao wrote:
>>>>>> Hi JBoss team,
>>>>>> I'm working to add JBoss Messaging 1.4 examples to AS 5 SVN repo. 
>>>>>> The location I put those examples is
>>>>>> messaging/src/etc/examples
>>>>>> and the examples will be built into AS 5 installation package, 
>>>>>> the location will be :
>>>>>> $JBOSS_HOME/docs/examples/jms/examples
>>>>>> I'm asking two questions,
>>>>>> 1. are those above locations OK ?
>>>>>> 2. I'm working on the AS 5 trunk 
>>>>>> (https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/trunk), is that also OK that 
>>>>>> those changes go to the trunk?
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> Howard
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>>>> Subject:
>>>> Re: [jboss-dev] AS5.x, AS6 roadmaps
>>>> From:
>>>> Dimitris Andreadis <dandread at redhat.com>
>>>> Date:
>>>> Mon, 22 Dec 2008 20:16:52 +0200
>>>> To:
>>>> "JBoss.org development list" <jboss-development at lists.jboss.org>
>>>> To:
>>>> "JBoss.org development list" <jboss-development at lists.jboss.org>
>>>> Regarding EAP5, my suggestion is to stick with Branch_5_0 and 
>>>> continue work there. If at some point we *have* to consider 
>>>> non-backwards compatible changes, then we can branch off Branch_5_1 
>>>> from the latest Branch_5_0. Or even stay with Branch_5_0 if the 
>>>> changes are not significant.
>>>> What are the non-backward compatible changes anyway? That's the 
>>>> real question to ask. If we are certain of those we could 
>>>> Branch_5_1 now. The key is that we don't want to deviate much from 
>>>> 5.0.0.GA. Otherwise all the testing and stabilization we have done 
>>>> is lost.
>>>> About trunk, I think we should point to AS6 Alpha. To try 
>>>> experimenting with a different Bootstrap+ProfileService type of 
>>>> setup either create another working branch or an external project 
>>>> (JBoss Reloaded or whatever) and merge back when done.
>>>> I think the key is to keep trunk relatively usable and stable. If 
>>>> we start breaking things here and there we'll repeat the same 
>>>> mistakes we did with AS5; the whole thing will soon get out of 
>>>> control.
>>>> Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>>>> Tied to this is what we're going to do with the branches.
>>>>> We need a branch to get to EAP 5 which will contain fixes which 
>>>>> are not backwards compatible with AS 5.0 GA, by definition this 
>>>>> rules out Branch_5_0. For community purposes we should only have 
>>>>> to use trunk, so effectively Branch_5_0 is a dead branch unless we 
>>>>> need to do a 5.0.1. So we might as well startup the EAP branch 
>>>>> right away.
>>>>> In AS trunk we can pursue the plan outlined below by Scott. 
>>>>> Meanwhile I would say we create an AS 6 project in which we build 
>>>>> 6 as we envisioned it in the first place: JBoss Bootstrap (MC, VDF 
>>>>> etc) + JBoss Profile Service. For the first iteration we can 
>>>>> hardcode one profile: JavaEE 6 until the Profile Service is up and 
>>>>> running. That means any components coming free out of the AS 5 
>>>>> (/trunk) refactoring can immediately be incorporated into AS 6. At 
>>>>> some point the refactoring of AS 5 will make it look almost 
>>>>> exactly as AS 6 or AS 6 will become fully operational. At which we 
>>>>> deprecate AS 5 (/trunk).
>>>>> Carlo
>>>>> Scott Stark wrote:
>>>>>> We need to finalize the 3 month road map for AS5.x and its 
>>>>>> relation to AS6. The current discussions have been around 
>>>>>> embedded and EE6 type profiles and that we should focus on 
>>>>>> incorporating AS6 elements in the next AS5.x release that improve 
>>>>>> the following areas:
>>>>>> * Unit Test Capabilities.  The ability to embed JBoss inside unit 
>>>>>> tests so that they can be run with no special plugins within an 
>>>>>> IDE, vanilla maven testsuite, vanilla ant testsuite.
>>>>>> * Maven JBoss Plugin.  You can define a configuration or override 
>>>>>> the default.  Basically making it nice and easy to use for maven 
>>>>>> people.
>>>>>> * Bundling of embedded jopr for the management console
>>>>>> * Get on-demand working for as many services as possible
>>>>>> * Optimize boot time (JBoss 5 boots much slower than JBoss 4.2)
>>>>>> * Deprecate and prune components and move them to a deprecated 
>>>>>> folder so that they don't boot up with default config. (Web 
>>>>>> Console, JMX-Console, Scheduler, EJB 2.x)
>>>>>> * Clean up service dependencies so its easier to add/remove 
>>>>>> components and subsystems.  This is related to on-demand as well.
>>>>>> * Define proper packaging of services so that dependencies and 
>>>>>> isolation of implementation details exist.
>>>>>> * Profile service supporting subprofiles and proper repository 
>>>>>> abstraction to allow for simple requirements descriptions of 
>>>>>> services in a profile driving the post MC bootstrap loading of 
>>>>>> services.
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