[jboss-dev] The mysterious case of the moving target . . .
Richard Opalka
ropalka at redhat.com
Tue Feb 2 03:40:52 EST 2010
Hi Andrew,
this is one of the examples why we're pushing our JBossWS
beta releases to AS trunk. To give JBossWS consumers
some time to adapt for new changes before final release ;)
OK, to explain you in short what's going on.
We're going forward with TCK6 certification. There are some
clarifications/improvements that needs to be done.
One of them is also:
which is causing problems to you. If you want to go old way
(to be backward compatible), you can set up Java property:
in AS run.conf script to don't see regression you can see ATM.
However I suggest you to migrate to new context root scheme.
Attached is the explanation how new context root is computed.
Feel free to ask questions if something is still not clear to you ;)
On 02/01/2010 10:55 AM, Andrew Dinn wrote:
> "So, Watson, last week we tracked down our wsdl with the aid of an
> Universal Resource Locator concocted, presumably by some black art of
> that arch fiend Moriarty, from the ear, bean and implementation bean name:
> http://localhost:8080/bademo-hotel/HotelImpl?wsdl
> This week we return from our toils debugging the mysteries of the
> missing AOP annotation handler only to find that our wsdl has been
> filched from under our very noses and relocated to the following address
> http://localhost:8080/hotel/Hotel?wsdl
> Doubtless, an improvement in simplicitly, readability and clarity, my
> good Doctor, but what pray does it lead one to conclude as to the logic
> of the process?"
> "Damn me, Holmes, I don't have a clue what is going on?"
> "Precisely, my dear Watson! And neither will our users!"
> regards,
> Andrew Dinn
> -----------
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Richard Opalka
ropalka at redhat.com
JBoss, by Red Hat
Office: +420 222 365 200
Mobile: +420 731 186 942
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