[jboss-dev] M2 Boot time

Jaikiran Pai jpai at redhat.com
Thu Feb 11 08:58:48 EST 2010

Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
> With the delayed start-up of the webapps default boots now in 30secs for me.
> First hit on the admin console takes 30secs (!) to get to the logging page. 
Not surprising actually, because that's what we were seeing (an addition 
of 25-30 seconds to boot time) when the admin-console was deployed 
without this lazy loading feature.
> After logging, it takes another 10 secs to get to the resources screen.
Yeah, this has always been the case. Don't know if it took this long 
earlier, but in AS 5.1.0, i used to see the login take around 5 seconds 
on my system.

I think, the admin-console needs to be tuned after a round of profiling. 
I think there was a EMBJOPR JIRA for this.


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