[jboss-dev] Is @org.jboss.beans.metadata.api.annotations.Dependency being used?

Kabir Khan kabir.khan at jboss.com
Mon Feb 15 06:07:07 EST 2010

I will keep the existing mechanism since looking at the existing tests it is more involved than I thought. If you want to have dependencies from annotations, use @org.jboss.aop.microcontainer.annotations.EnableAopAnnotationDependency at bean level similar to @EnableAopProxy for the beans that have annotations using @Dependency, so this checking is disabled by default. I'll fix the kernel/aop-mc-int tests this way and post if something unexpected happens.
On 12 Feb 2010, at 17:54, Kabir Khan wrote:

> The intended use is :
> @SecurityDomain(domain = "somedomain")
> public class MyOwnDependency
> {
> }
> where
> @Dependency(name="domain", factory= SecurityDomainDependencyFactory.class)
> public @interface SecurityDomain
> {
>   String domain();
>   String securityManagerName() default "SecurityManager";
> }
> Meaning that the bean for MyOwnDependency gets a dependency on something called "somedomain", which is created by the SecurityDomainDependencyFactory. AOPDependencyBuilder currently does quite a bit of work looking for these (about 3.5% of default startup time), but I see Ales has done some work on a SecurityDomain annotation plugin which is plugged in as an annotation adapter, but that is only active in some tests. 
> AOPDependencyBuilder checks the class, and all methods for annotations with this, and I think this can probably be removed and replaced with a meta annotation plugin instead. The only issue with that is that the meta annotation plugins currently only work on class level. So before I try to change that, I want to make sure nobody is using it.
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