[jboss-dev] Further profling: Where should I focus?

Ales Justin ales.justin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 11:01:34 EST 2010

> Looks like that can handle exporting all packages via a simple wildcard.
>     <build>
>      <plugins>
>        <plugin>
>          ....
>          <configuration>
>            <instructions>
>              <Export-Package>*</Export-Package>
>            </instructions>
>          </configuration>
>        </plugin>
>      </plugins>
>    </build>

How do you tell it to import all?
I guess it's similar wildcard usage?
--> this might cause problems, as then you have explicit package 
requirement, which needs to be resolved by some capability
e.g. import org.hibernate.core --> while our hibernate.jar doesn't yet 
export this

That's why I said it's easier to use jb-cl.xml,
as there you can simply say import="NON_EMPTY".

But like I said, this is temp/initial fix,
real usage should be able to use bnd/bundlor w/o any "hacks".

Another thing we need is a deployer that transforms OSGi manifest.mf 
into CLMD.
And fortunately we have such deployer in our OSGi+MC Facade. :-)

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