[jboss-dev] Javaee Spec Jars

Paul Gier pgier at redhat.com
Fri Jan 22 13:01:05 EST 2010

Hi everyone,

There was some discussion about naming conventions and svn structure for the 
javaee api spec projects this morning.  There is also more info in jira [1]. 
Here is the plan at this point.

GroupId: org.jboss.spec.<sun groupId>
ArtifactId: <spec name>_<spec version>_spec
Version: Standard OSGI versions starting with 1.0.0

For example:

The structure in svn will look similar to the structure that the geronimo 
project uses for their spec jars [2].  Meaning that each spec version will have 
a separate trunk and a separate release cycle.

In addition to deploying the spec jars (and pom) to the Maven repository, there 
will also be an aggregate pom, but not an aggregate jar.  The aggregate pom will 
be a project with packaging "pom" and will list each included spec in the 
dependencyManagement and dependencies sections.  This will allow the app server 
build to declare a single dependency on the combined javaee pom and it will 
automatically get all the individual spec jars added to the dependency tree.

Going forward, we would like to have all spec jars in same area in svn, and each 
will have it's own release lifecycle and projects that need the spec jars can 
either depend on the individual jars or on the aggregator pom.


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