[jboss-dev] Consideration for M3: Embedded APIs into the AS Release Cycle

Dimitris Andreadis dandread at redhat.com
Mon Jan 25 08:49:03 EST 2010

Bring Embedded back to AS and simplify things?

Okay :-)

Andrew Lee Rubinger wrote:
> I've a proposal for the next iteration of JBAS, 6.0.0.M3.
> We originally released "EmbeddedAS"[1] as an extension to JBossAS; that 
> is, it depends upon JBossAS and is an add-on library.  The reasoning 
> behind this move was to allow for rapid releases of the Embedded APIs 
> without waiting on a full JBAS release cycle, and this has always been 
> intended to be temporary.
> However, this:
> 1) Is confusing to users
> 2) Creates more boilerplate/setup code to set up the ClassLoading [2]
> 3) Isn't really proper.  An API to JBAS belongs in JBAS itself.
> So I'd like to introduce one or more modules under repos/jbossas/trunk 
> to account for the AS bootstrap and Embedded APIs.
>  From there we can have org.jboss.Main become just another user of the 
> AS Embedded APIs.
> S,
> [1] http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-13843
> [2] http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-14447

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