[jboss-l10n] Updating Weld Reference Guide in Zanata

Bruno Leonardo Gonçalves brunolmfg at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 22:55:07 EST 2012

I've been translating the version 1.1.0 of the guide on the server
Zanata. We currently have over 90% complete. Thus, I would like to see
this work published and useful to others.


Bruno Leonardo Gonçalves
Brazilian Portuguese Translator

2012/1/5 Bruno Leonardo Gonçalves <brunolmfg at gmail.com>:
> I've verified that the entries on the Zanata server is outdated for
> Weld Reference Guide. Someone could update it or provide guidance and
> permission to do it?
> Another interesting question is the creation of translated versions in
> PDF/HTML and uploading to http://docs.jboss.org/weld/reference/. Some
> guidelines and permission to do this would also be welcome. :-)
> Thanks!
> --
> Bruno Leonardo Gonçalves
> Brazilian Portuguese Translator

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