[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Correct use of application.xml entries for EAR that shares l

shea.phillips do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Feb 6 17:37:02 EST 2007


I am developing on JBoss AS 4.0.5GA and I am looking for a definitive answer to how to setup an EAR and its metadata. The EAR contains a single WAR (with a few of its own jars in WEB-INF/lib),  a few EJB-JARs, and a number of plain JAR files some of which are used by both the EJB-JARs and the WAR.

Initially, I had each of the plain JARs in the root of the EAR and referenced as s in my application.xml, but this is ugly  to maintain and I suspect this should not be required.  However, this was working fine.

I removed the  entries in the application.xml and I am now unable to deploy my app.  Both the EJBs and the WAR (their deployers, I guess) are throwing ClassNotFoundExceptionS.

I experimented with Class-Path entries in both the WAR and the EAR to explicitly reference the jars, but with no better results.

So...I am frustrated and confused, since I found a reference on this forum that stated that including support JARs in the application.xml is incorrect. However, this is the only working configuration I have found so far.  (I noted that the Seam examples do use this approach)

Any guidance appreciated.



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