[jboss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - Re: idle time out question
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Feb 19 10:26:31 EST 2007
Here is the code snippets.
Below is the getConnection which returns Connection object
public void init(String resourceId, String resourceName, boolean defaultResource) throws DBException {
try {
Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
this.m_sources.put(resourceId, envCtx.lookup(resourceName));
if (defaultResource) {
this.m_defaultResourceId = resourceId;
catch (NamingException ne) {
throw new DBException(ne);
public Connection getConn(String resourceId) throws DBException {
if (resourceId == null) {
resourceId = this.m_defaultResourceId;
try {
DataSource dataSource = (DataSource) this.m_sources.get (resourceId);
if (dataSource == null) {
m_logger.error("###### FATAL ERROR -- DATA SOURCE NULL #######");
Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
if (conn == null) {
// try again????
conn = dataSource.getConnection();
if (conn == null) {
m_logger.error("###### FATAL ERROR -- CONNECTION NULL #######");
return conn;
catch (SQLException se) {
throw new DBException(se);
Below is the code where we call getConnection to the connection object. We are getting NullPointer where we do conn.close(). The thing that I am wondering is if we are getting null conn, we should get null pointer at conn.setAutoCommit in getConnection or conn.createStatement. But instead we are getting on conn.close
public void doSelect(String p_sql, int[] p_dataTypes) throws DBException
Connection conn = null;
Statement sqlStmt = null;
ResultSet resultSet = null;
RecSet recset = new RecSet(this.m_resourceId);
conn = DBConnMgr.getInstance().getConn(this.m_resourceId);
// The above code getConn which is pasted above
if (conn != null) {
m_logger.info("@@@@ We got the connection object");
} else {
m_logger.info("######## DBSelect.doSelect CONNECTION IS NULL!!! ########");
sqlStmt = conn.createStatement();
if (p_dataTypes != null)
for (int i = 0; i < p_dataTypes.length; i++)
//sqlStmt.defineColumnType(i+1, p_dataTypes);
resultSet = sqlStmt.executeQuery(p_sql);
//operate on resultSet here
catch (SQLException se)
if (DBConnMgr.getInstance().isFatalError(se))
throw new DBException("Exception: " + se + ": " + se.getErrorCode() +
"\n" + "Database is down " + "\n", se.getErrorCode());
throw new DBException("Exception: " + se + ": " + se.getErrorCode() +
"\n" + "Could not perform " + p_sql + "\n");
if (resultSet != null)
if (sqlStmt != null)
catch (SQLException se)
throw new DBException("Exception: " + se + "\n" +
"Could not close sql statement" + "\n");
catch (SQLException se)
m_logger.info("Failed to close DB connection");
m_logger.debug("Successful " + p_sql + "\n");
Thanks for the assistance
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