[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: wscompile fails to generate artifacts for included xsd

meghanai_99 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Feb 23 18:45:53 EST 2007

I started with 'hello' example this time and added my wsdl to that project. The hello.wsdl looks like this


  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <definitions targetNamespace="http://jbpm.org/examples/hello"
  |   xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
  |   xmlns:tns="http://jbpm.org/examples/hello"
  |   xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
  |   xmlns:plt="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/05/partner-link/"
  |   xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  |   xmlns:evt="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1">
  |   <import namespace="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1" location="resources/xml/ALFEventManagerSOAP.wsdl" />
  |   <!-- characterizes the relationship between the greeter and its caller -->
  |   <plt:partnerLinkType name="Greeter-Caller">
  |     <plt:role name="Greeter">
  |       <plt:portType name="tns:ALFServiceFlow" />
  |     </plt:role>
  |     <!-- the Caller does not provide services to the Greeter,
  |       this is why we omit the "Caller" role -->
  |   </plt:partnerLinkType>  
  |   <!-- describes the interface presented to callers -->
  |   <portType name="ALFServiceFlow">
  |     <operation name="eventNotice">
  |       <input message="evt:EventNotice"/>
  |     </operation>
  |   </portType>
  |  </definitions>

Notice that I have portType 'ALFServiceFlow' defined in the wsdl. Originally I had it in my imported wsdl file

  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <wsdl:definitions 
  | xmlns:evt="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1" 
  | xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" 
  | xmlns:tns="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1" 
  | xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" 
  | xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" 
  | xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" 
  | name="ALFEventManager" 
  | targetNamespace="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1">
  |   <wsdl:documentation>
  |       Copyright Notice
  |       The material in this document is Copyright (c) Serena Software, Inc. and others, 2005, 2006
  |       Terms and Conditions:
  |       The Eclipse Foundation makes available all content in this document ("Content").
  |       Unless otherwise indicated below, the Content is provided to you under the terms
  |       and conditions of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL").
  |       A copy of the EPL is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html.
  |       For purposes of the EPL, "Program" will mean the Content.
  |       If you did not receive this Content directly from the Eclipse Foundation, the
  |       Content is being redistributed by another party ("Redistributor") and different
  |       terms and conditions may apply to your use of any object code in the Content.
  |       Check the Redistributor's license that was provided with the Content.
  |       If you did not receive any such license, contact the Redistributor.
  |       Unless otherwise indicated below, the terms and conditions of the EPL still apply to the Content.
  |   </wsdl:documentation>
  |   <!-- ALF EventManager WSDL -->  
  | <wsdl:types>
  | 	<xsd:schema xmlns="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1">
  | 		<xsd:import namespace="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1" schemaLocation="ALFEventBase_1.xsd"/>
  |     </xsd:schema>
  | </wsdl:types>
  | <wsdl:message name="EventNotice">
  | 	<wsdl:part type="evt:ALFEventType" name="EventNotice"/>
  | </wsdl:message>
  | <wsdl:message name="EventNoticeResponse">
  | 	<wsdl:part type="evt:ALFEventResponseType" name="EventNoticeResponse"/>
  | </wsdl:message>
  | <wsdl:message name="EventNoticeWithReply">
  | 	<wsdl:part type="evt:ALFEventType" name="EventNoticeWithReply"/>
  | </wsdl:message>
  | <wsdl:message name="EventNoticeWithReplyResponse">
  | 	<wsdl:part type="evt:ALFEventWithReplyResponseType" name="EventNoticeWithReplyResponse"/>
  | </wsdl:message>
  | <wsdl:portType name="ALFEventManager">
  | 	<wsdl:operation name="EventNotice">
  | 		<wsdl:input message="evt:EventNotice"/>
  | 		<wsdl:output message="evt:EventNoticeResponse"/>
  | 	</wsdl:operation>
  | 	<wsdl:operation name="EventNoticeWithReply">
  | 		<wsdl:input message="evt:EventNoticeWithReply"/>
  | 		<wsdl:output message="evt:EventNoticeWithReplyResponse"/>
  | 	</wsdl:operation>
  | </wsdl:portType>
  | <wsdl:portType name="ALFServiceFlow">
  | 	<wsdl:operation name="eventNotice">
  | 		<wsdl:input message="evt:EventNotice"/>
  | 	</wsdl:operation>
  | </wsdl:portType>
  | <wsdl:portType name="ALFServiceFlowWithReply">
  | 	<wsdl:operation name="EventNotice">
  | 		<wsdl:input message="evt:EventNotice"/>
  | 		<wsdl:output message="evt:EventNoticeWithReplyResponse"/>
  | 	</wsdl:operation>
  | </wsdl:portType>
  | <wsdl:binding name="ALFEventManagerSOAP" type="evt:ALFEventManager">
  | 	<soap:binding style="rpc" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
  | 	<wsdl:operation name="EventNotice">
  | 	<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
  | 		<wsdl:input>
  | 			<soap:body use="literal" namespace="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1"/>
  | 		</wsdl:input>
  | 		<wsdl:output>
  | 			<soap:body use="literal" namespace="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1"/>
  | 		</wsdl:output>
  | 	</wsdl:operation>
  | 	<wsdl:operation name="EventNoticeWithReply">
  | 	<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
  | 		<wsdl:input>
  | 			<soap:body use="literal" namespace="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1"/>
  | 		</wsdl:input>
  | 		<wsdl:output>
  | 			<soap:body use="literal" namespace="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1"/>
  | 		</wsdl:output>
  | 	</wsdl:operation>
  | </wsdl:binding>
  | <wsdl:binding name="ALFServiceFlowSOAP" type="evt:ALFServiceFlow">
  | 	<soap:binding style="rpc" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
  | 		<wsdl:operation name="eventNotice">
  | 	<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
  | 		<wsdl:input>
  | 			<soap:body use="literal" namespace="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1"/>
  | 		</wsdl:input>
  | 	</wsdl:operation>
  | </wsdl:binding>
  | <wsdl:binding name="ALFServiceFlowWithReplySOAP" type="evt:ALFServiceFlowWithReply">
  | 	<soap:binding style="rpc" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
  | 	<wsdl:operation name="EventNotice">
  | 		<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
  | 			<wsdl:input>
  | 				<soap:body use="literal" namespace="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1"/>
  | 			</wsdl:input>
  | 			<wsdl:output>
  | 				<soap:body use="literal" namespace="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1"/>
  | 			</wsdl:output>
  | 	</wsdl:operation>
  | </wsdl:binding>
  | <!-- Example services -->
  | <wsdl:service name="ALFEventManager">
  | 	<wsdl:port binding="evt:ALFEventManagerSOAP" name="ALFEventManagerSOAP">
  | 		<soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/ALFEventManager/services/ALFEventManagerSOAP"/>
  | 	</wsdl:port>
  | </wsdl:service>
  | <wsdl:service name="ALFServiceFlow">
  | 	<wsdl:port binding="evt:ALFServiceFlowSOAP" name="ALFServiceFlowSOAP">
  | 		<soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/ALFServiceFlow/services/ALFServiceFlowSOAP"/>
  | 	</wsdl:port>
  | </wsdl:service>
  | <wsdl:service name="ALFServiceFlowWithReply">
  | 	<wsdl:port binding="evt:ALFServiceFlowWithReplySOAP" name="ALFServiceFlowWithReplySOAP">
  | 		<soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/ALFServiceFlow/services/ALFServiceFlowWithReplySOAP"/>
  | 	</wsdl:port>
  | </wsdl:service>
  | </wsdl:definitions>

Notice that this file has portType 'ALFServiceFlow' too. If I change the partnerLinkType to point to this ALFServiceFlow with the following namespace prefix change

  | <plt:partnerLinkType name="Greeter-Caller">
  |     <plt:role name="Greeter">
  |       <plt:portType name="evt:ALFServiceFlow" />
  |     </plt:role>
  |     <!-- the Caller does not provide services to the Greeter,
  |       this is why we omit the "Caller" role -->
  |   </plt:partnerLinkType>

I get above mentioned exception i.e NullPointerException in WSDL11Reader class.
My imported xsd file looks like this

  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://www.eclipse.org/alf/schema/EventBase/1" version="1.0">
  | 	<xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:documentation>
  | 	</xs:annotation>
  | 	<xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:documentation>
  | 			Copyright Notice The material in this document is Copyright
  | 			(c) Serena Software, Inc. and others, 2005, 2006 Terms and
  | 			Conditions: The Eclipse Foundation makes available all
  | 			content in this document ("Content"). Unless otherwise
  | 			indicated below, the Content is provided to you under the
  | 			terms and conditions of the Eclipse Public License Version
  | 			1.0 ("EPL"). A copy of the EPL is available at
  | 			http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html. For purposes of
  | 			the EPL, "Program" will mean the Content. If you did not
  | 			receive this Content directly from the Eclipse Foundation,
  | 			the Content is being redistributed by another party
  | 			("Redistributor") and different terms and conditions may
  | 			apply to your use of any object code in the Content. Check
  | 			the Redistributor's license that was provided with the
  | 			Content. If you did not receive any such license, contact
  | 			the Redistributor. Unless otherwise indicated below, the
  | 			terms and conditions of the EPL still apply to the Content.
  | 		</xs:documentation>
  | 	</xs:annotation>
  | 	<!-- Begin EventBaseTypes -->
  | 	<xs:complexType name="EventBaseType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				EventBaseType is a container for that portion of an ALF
  | 				Event that is generally set by the Tool that raises the
  | 				event.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:sequence>
  | 			<xs:element name="EventId" type="EventIdType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="Timestamp" type="TimestampType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="EventType" type="EventTypeType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="ObjectType" type="ObjectTypeType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="ObjectId" type="ObjectIdType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="Source" type="SourceType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="User" type="CredentialsType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="EventControl" type="EmBaseType"/>
  | 			<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BaseExtension" type="BaseExtensionType"/>
  | 		</xs:sequence>
  | 		<xs:anyAttribute/>
  | 	</xs:complexType>
  | 	<xs:complexType name="EmBaseType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				EventControlType is a container for that portion of an
  | 				ALF Event that is generally set by the ALF EventManager.
  | 				In some cases, ALF compliant tools may set some fields,
  | 				in particular when the event is a result of an ALF
  | 				service call to that tool from a ServiceFlow.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:sequence>
  | 			<xs:element name="EmEventId" type="xs:string"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="EmTimestamp" type="TimestampType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="PredecedingEmEventId" type="EventIdType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="ApplicationName" type="ApplicationNameType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="EventMatchName" type="EventMatchNameType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="ServiceFlowName" type="ServiceFlowNameType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="ServiceFlowId" type="ServiceFlowIdType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="Callback" type="xs:boolean"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="Environment" type="EnvironmentType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="EmUser" type="CredentialsType"/>
  | 			<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EmExtension" type="EmExtensionType"/>
  | 		</xs:sequence>
  | 		<xs:anyAttribute/>
  | 	</xs:complexType>
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="EventIdType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				A UUID that uniquely identifies the Event instance.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
  | 			<xs:maxLength value="36"/>
  | 		</xs:restriction>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="ServiceFlowIdType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				A UUID that uniquely identifies the ServiceFlow
  | 				instance.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
  | 			<xs:maxLength value="36"/>
  | 		</xs:restriction>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="TimestampType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				The date and timestamp when the EventManager received
  | 				the Event. This element may be left empty by the event
  | 				emitter, in which case, the Event Manager will supply a
  | 				value.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:dateTime"/>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="EventTypeType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				A string indicating the type of event. EventType
  | 				designates the verb. That is what action happened to the
  | 				Objects that triggered the event.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<!-- =============  Object that triggered the event  ============= -->
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="ObjectIdType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				An ObjectId identifies the entity or relationship that
  | 				changed within a tool. The identifier must be unique for
  | 				a particular instance of the source tool. The format of
  | 				this element will not be standardized by ALF. The
  | 				primary purpose is to allow subsequent ServiceFlows to
  | 				uniquely identify (and perhaps access) the object that
  | 				triggered the event.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="ObjectTypeType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				The type of entity involved. Note that the word entity
  | 				is taken in its broadest sense, referring to whatever
  | 				artifact a tool was operating on. For example, for a
  | 				data modeling tool, an E-R relationship is a type of
  | 				entity (i.e., and ObjectType) to ALF.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<!-- =============  The source (i.e, tool or product) that emitted the event  ============= -->
  | 	<xs:complexType name="SourceType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				A Source element is a container type that describes the
  | 				source of the event. ProductCallbackURI is optional for
  | 				tools that don't provide a listener to accept the
  | 				callback from a tool or serviceflow at a later time.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:sequence>
  | 			<xs:element name="Product" type="ProductType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="ProductVersion" type="ProductVersionType"/>
  | 			<xs:element name="ProductInstance" type="ProductInstanceType"/>
  | 			<xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="ProductCallbackURI" type="ProductCallbackURIType"/>
  | 		</xs:sequence>
  | 	</xs:complexType>
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="ProductType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				A descriptive name for the tool (i.e., program) that
  | 				emitted the Event. Note that this is a datatype for a
  | 				Product element.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="ProductCallbackURIType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				The web service endpoint for tools that support
  | 				callbacks from ServiceFlows for additional information.
  | 				The element content is optional for transient tools that
  | 				may not be running at a later time, and so cannot accept
  | 				a callback. Constantly running (server) tools that
  | 				support callbacks should supply a URI.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:anyURI"/>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="ProductInstanceType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				A unique string identifying the instance of the tool.
  | 				This is useful when there may be multiple instances of a
  | 				product working within an instance of ALF.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="ProductVersionType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				The release version of the product, such as 5.06
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<!-- ======  User information identifying the security context of the request ======= -->
  | 	<xs:complexType name="CredentialsType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 			    A structure to hold security authentication-relevant data.
  | 			    If present the data within may be encrypted.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:sequence>
  | 			<xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" processContents="lax"/>
  | 		</xs:sequence>
  | 		<xs:anyAttribute/>
  | 	</xs:complexType>
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="ApplicationNameType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				The name of the ALF application to which this event
  | 				belongs. Depending on the emitting tool, events may or
  | 				may not be associated with an ALF application. If the
  | 				emitting tool has the information available then it can
  | 				provide the ALF ApplicationName as an additional
  | 				information to distinguish the event.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="EventMatchNameType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				The name of the event match within the ALF Application
  | 				that matches this event.  This fields is set by the Event Manager
  | 				when it dispatches the event.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="ServiceFlowNameType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				The name of the service flow withing the event match that 
  | 				matches this event. This field is set by the Event Manager 
  | 				when it dispatches the event.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="EnvironmentType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				The name of the environment in which this event is being
  | 				raised. This element will be set by the ALF Event
  | 				manager from its installation configuration.
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<xs:simpleType name="ALFSchemaVersionType">
  | 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
  | 			<xs:enumeration value="1.0"/>
  | 		</xs:restriction>
  | 	</xs:simpleType>
  | 	<xs:complexType name="BaseExtensionType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				Place holder type for future extensions of
  | 				BaseExtensionType
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:sequence>
  | 			<xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" namespace="targetnamespace"/>
  | 		</xs:sequence>
  | 		<xs:anyAttribute/>
  | 	</xs:complexType>
  | 	<xs:complexType name="EmExtensionType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				Place holder type for future extensions of EmBaseType
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:sequence>
  | 			<xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" namespace="targetnamespace"/>
  | 		</xs:sequence>
  | 		<xs:anyAttribute/>
  | 	</xs:complexType>
  | 	<xs:complexType name="DetailExtensionType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				Place holder type for vocabulary based Event payload "details"
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:sequence>
  | 			<xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
  | 		</xs:sequence>
  | 		<xs:anyAttribute/>
  | 	</xs:complexType>
  | 	<xs:complexType name="CustomExtensionType">
  | 		<xs:annotation>
  | 			<xs:documentation>
  | 				Place holder type for custom Event payload "extensions"
  | 			</xs:documentation>
  | 		</xs:annotation>
  | 		<xs:sequence>
  | 			<xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
  | 		</xs:sequence>
  | 		<xs:anyAttribute/>
  | 	</xs:complexType>
  | 	<!-- End EventBaseTypes -->
  | 	<!--  BEGIN ALFEvent -->
  | 	<xs:complexType name="ALFEventType">
  | 		<xs:sequence>
  | 			<xs:element name="Base" type="EventBaseType"/>
  | 			<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Detail" type="DetailExtensionType"/>
  | 			<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Extension" type="CustomExtensionType"/>
  | 			<xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
  | 		</xs:sequence>
  | 		<xs:attribute default="1.0" name="version" type="ALFSchemaVersionType"/>
  | 	</xs:complexType>
  | 	<xs:complexType name="ALFEventResponseType">
  | 		<xs:sequence>
  | 			<xs:any minOccurs="0"/>
  | 		</xs:sequence>
  | 	</xs:complexType>
  | 	<xs:complexType name="ALFEventWithReplyResponseType">
  | 		<xs:sequence>
  | 			<xs:any minOccurs="0"/>
  | 		</xs:sequence>
  | 	</xs:complexType>
  | 	<!--  END ALFEvent -->
  | 	<!-- Event Notice -->
  | 	<!-- Element declaration for creating documents -->
  | 	<xs:element name="EventNotice" type="ALFEventType"/>
  | </xs:schema>

Can anyone help me figure out what the problem is?

Thank you,

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