[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Configure CMS HTML editor for extended elements?

sjewett do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jan 18 15:11:28 EST 2007

Hi All -

We're running JBoss Portal 2.4.1 SP1, bundled with JBoss AS 4.0.4GA.  I have an html file that has a bgcolor attribute within a  tag.  I can upload it into the CMS and display the original version without problem.  But if I go into CMS and use the editor to modify the file (e.g., add a link), the editor strips out my td bgcolor code.

The TinyMCE website says that I can correct this by "adding td[bgcolor] to the extended elements in the init stuff".  Does anyone know where this is in Portal 2.4.1?  Or are they referring to a later version of TinyMCE?

I'll keep looking . . .  but help would be appreciated.

Thanks you,
-Steve J

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