[jboss-user] jboss-portal proxy server

Styma, Robert E (Robert) stymar at alcatel-lucent.com
Mon Jan 29 15:13:51 EST 2007

   I am new to this list and pretty new to jboss
and very new to the jboss-portal.  I have been trying
to get some sample applications running and have
hit a stumbling block for which I have not been able
to google an answer.

   The log complains that it cannot get to various 
URL's during initialization.  For example:
This makes sense since I sit behind a proxy server and I
have not told jboss anything about this proxy.

   In which file do I specify the proxy server and port?

   Also, is there a way to make the jboss-portal use the 
standard HTTP_PROXY or http_proxy environment variables?

If it makes any difference, I am testing on Fedora Core 6.

Thank you in advance,

Robert E. Styma

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