[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - @WebServiceRef jbossws 1.2.0.GA
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Mar 3 06:38:49 EST 2007
I'm running jboss 4.0.5.GA with EJB3.0 Configuration and jbossws 1.2.0.GA installed with the installer.
I'm using an stateless session bean as a webservice-client. I generated the artifacts with ws-import.
If I use @WebServiceRef I run into the following Exception:
| Non matching type for inject of field: de.uniSiegen.crm.server.ejb3.session.webservice.generated.bpeluserinteractiondialog.CrmPLService de.uniSiegen.crm.server.ejb3.session.webservice.BPELUserInteractionDialogCallbackClient.service for type: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext of jndiName env/de.uniSiegen.crm.server.ejb3.session.webservice.BPELUserInteractionDialogCallbackClient/service
| intfs: , javax.naming.Context, java.io.Serializable
If I don't use this annotation and instanciate the Service like this:
CrmPLService service = new CrmPLService();
everything works fine.
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