[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - How to sort a table by a column corresponding to a transient

anarinsky do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Mar 26 20:10:46 EDT 2007

I use seam-gen to generate a table view corresponding to a database table.  Column sorting works fine using f:param name="order"
(f:param name="order" value="#{projectsList.order=='name asc' ? 'name desc' : 'name asc'}"/>.  )

However, this table includes only the columns that correspond to the database table.  I can add transient getter methods to the entity bean and display the results on the table.  However, then sorting does not work because a column for the transient getter does not exist.

Is there any way to sort a table by the columns corresponding to transient getter methods?

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