[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Foreign Key fields not set for child entity

lafr do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Sep 12 17:02:43 EDT 2007

My parent Entity looks like this:
public class MbiMsghd implements java.io.Serializable
  | {
  | 	/** Field msghdSerial. */
  | 	@Id
  | 	@GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  | 	@Column(name="msghd_serial")
  | 	private java.lang.Integer msghdSerial;
  | 	/** Relation with MbiMsgpa. */
  | 	@OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL,fetch=FetchType.LAZY,mappedBy="msghdSerial")
  | 	@OrderBy("msghdSerial,partNo")
  | 	private java.util.Collection<MbiMsgpa> mbiMsgpa = new java.util.ArrayList<MbiMsgpa>();

My child entity like this:
  | @IdClass(value=MbiMsgpa.PK.class)
  | @Table(name="mbi_msgpa")
  | public class MbiMsgpa implements java.io.Serializable
  | {
  | 	/** Field msghdSerial. */
  | 	@Id
  | 	@ManyToOne
  | 	@Column(name="msghd_serial")
  | 	private java.lang.Integer msghdSerial;
  | 	/** Field partNo. */
  | 	@Id
  | 	@Column(name="part_no")
  | 	private java.lang.Integer partNo;

So the child has a composite primary key and one part of this PK is a FK to the parent.

In my session bean I can create the parent successfully, but the created and added child did not get set the PK/FK fields.
            MbiMsgpa mbiMsgpa = new MbiMsgpa();
  |             mbiMsghd.getMbiMsgpa().add( mbiMsgpa );
  |             // set all attributes of child entity
  |             this.entityManager.persist( mbiMsgpa );
The key values of the child entity are null when they are inserted into the database.

>From all examples I saw in my book and on the Web I expected the EJB3 container to set the key fields of the child entity.
It does not make any difference if I set up the OneToMany relation uni- or bidirectional.

Did anyone of you get something like this running on JBoss 4.2.2.GA?

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