[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: SQL Server 2000 error on startup and for CMS on access

bcarothers do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Apr 3 08:15:12 EDT 2008

I don't have a copy of SQL Server 2K around to test on, but you may want to try replacing jboss-portal.sar\portal-cms.sar\conf\hibernate\cms\domain.hbm.xml with this file:

  | <?xml version="1.0"?>
  | <!--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  |   ~ JBoss, a division of Red Hat                                              ~
  |   ~ Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware, LLC, and individual                   ~
  |   ~ contributors as indicated by the @authors tag. See the                    ~
  |   ~ copyright.txt in the distribution for a full listing of                   ~
  |   ~ individual contributors.                                                  ~
  |   ~                                                                           ~
  |   ~ This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it           ~
  |   ~ under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as               ~
  |   ~ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of          ~
  |   ~ the License, or (at your option) any later version.                       ~
  |   ~                                                                           ~
  |   ~ This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          ~
  |   ~ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            ~
  |   ~ Lesser General Public License for more details.                           ~
  |   ~                                                                           ~
  |   ~ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public          ~
  |   ~ License along with this software; if not, write to the Free               ~
  |   ~ Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA        ~
  |   ~ 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.                  ~
  |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-->
  | <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
  |    "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
  |    "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd">
  | <hibernate-mapping>
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.state.VersionBinVal" table="jbp_cms_version_binval" lazy="true">
  |       <id
  |          name="key"
  |          column="PK"
  |          type="java.lang.Integer">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |       </id>
  |       <property
  |          name="id"
  |          column="BINVAL_ID"
  |          type="string"
  |          length="255"/>
  |       <property
  |          name="data"
  |          column="BINVAL_DATA"
  |          type="blob"
  |          length="100000000"
  |          not-null="true"/>
  |    </class>
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.state.VersionNode" table="jbp_cms_version_node" lazy="true">
  |       <id
  |          name="key"
  |          column="PK"
  |          type="java.lang.Integer">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |       </id>
  |       <property
  |          name="nodeId"
  |          column="NODE_ID"
  |          type="string"
  |          length="36"/>
  |       <property
  |          name="data"
  |          column="NODE_DATA"
  |          type="binary"
  |          length="100000000"
  |          not-null="true"/>
  |    </class>
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.state.VersionProp" table="jbp_cms_version_prop" lazy="true">
  |       <id
  |          name="key"
  |          column="PK"
  |          type="java.lang.Integer">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |       </id>
  |       <property
  |          name="propId"
  |          column="PROP_ID"
  |          type="string"
  |          length="255"/>
  |       <property
  |          name="data"
  |          column="PROP_DATA"
  |          type="binary"
  |          length="100000000"
  |          not-null="true"/>
  |    </class>
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.state.VersionRefs" table="jbp_cms_version_refs" lazy="true">
  |       <id
  |          name="key"
  |          column="PK"
  |          type="java.lang.Integer">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |       </id>
  |       <property
  |          name="refId"
  |          column="NODE_ID"
  |          type="string"
  |          length="36"/>
  |       <property
  |          name="data"
  |          column="REFS_DATA"
  |          type="binary"
  |          length="100000000"
  |          not-null="true"/>
  |    </class>
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.state.WSPBinVal" table="jbp_cms_wsp_binval" lazy="true">
  |       <id
  |          name="key"
  |          column="PK"
  |          type="java.lang.Integer">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |       </id>
  |       <property
  |          name="id"
  |          column="BINVAL_ID"
  |          type="string"
  |          length="255"/>
  |       <property
  |          name="data"
  |          column="BINVAL_DATA"
  |          type="blob"
  |          length="100000000"
  |          not-null="true"/>
  |    </class>
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.state.WSPNode" table="jbp_cms_wsp_node" lazy="true">
  |       <id
  |          name="key"
  |          column="PK"
  |          type="java.lang.Integer">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |       </id>
  |       <property
  |          name="nodeId"
  |          column="NODE_ID"
  |          type="string"
  |          length="36"/>
  |       <property
  |          name="data"
  |          column="NODE_DATA"
  |          type="binary"
  |          length="100000000"
  |          not-null="true"/>
  |    </class>
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.state.WSPProp" table="jbp_cms_wsp_prop" lazy="true">
  |       <id
  |          name="key"
  |          column="PK"
  |          type="java.lang.Integer">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |       </id>
  |       <property
  |          name="propId"
  |          column="PROP_ID"
  |          type="string"
  |          length="255"/>
  |       <property
  |          name="data"
  |          column="PROP_DATA"
  |          type="binary"
  |          length="100000000"
  |          not-null="true"/>
  |    </class>
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.state.WSPRefs" table="jbp_cms_wsp_refs" lazy="true">
  |       <id
  |          name="key"
  |          column="PK"
  |          type="java.lang.Integer">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |       </id>
  |       <property
  |          name="refId"
  |          column="NODE_ID"
  |          type="string"
  |          length="36"/>
  |       <property
  |          name="data"
  |          column="REFS_DATA"
  |          type="binary"
  |          length="100000000"
  |          not-null="true"/>
  |    </class>
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.CMSEntry" table="jbp_cms_cmsentry" lazy="true">
  |       <id
  |          name="key"
  |          column="PK"
  |          type="java.lang.Integer">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |       </id>
  |       <property
  |          name="name"
  |          column="FSENTRY_NAME"
  |          type="string"
  |          length="255"
  |          not-null="false"/>
  |       <property name="path"
  |                 column="FSENTRY_PATH"
  |                 type="string"
  |                 not-null="true"
  |                 length="245"/>
  |       <property name="data"
  |                 column="FSENTRY_DATA"
  |                 type="blob"
  |                 length="100000000"
  |                 not-null="false"/>
  |       <property name="lastmod"
  |                 column="FSENTRY_LASTMOD"
  |                 type="long"
  |                 not-null="true"/>
  |       <property name="length"
  |                 column="FSENTRY_LENGTH"
  |                 type="long"
  |                 not-null="true"/>
  |    </class>
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.RepositoryEntry" table="jbp_cms_repositoryentry" lazy="true">
  |       <id
  |          name="key"
  |          column="PK"
  |          type="java.lang.Integer">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |       </id>
  |       <property
  |          name="name"
  |          column="FSENTRY_NAME"
  |          type="string"
  |          length="255"
  |          not-null="false"/>
  |       <property name="path"
  |                 column="FSENTRY_PATH"
  |                 type="string"
  |                 not-null="true"
  |                 length="245"/>
  |       <property name="data"
  |                 column="FSENTRY_DATA"
  |                 type="blob"
  |                 length="100000000"
  |                 not-null="false"/>
  |       <property name="lastmod"
  |                 column="FSENTRY_LASTMOD"
  |                 type="long"
  |                 not-null="true"/>
  |       <property name="length"
  |                 column="FSENTRY_LENGTH"
  |                 type="long"
  |                 not-null="true"/>
  |    </class>
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.VersionEntry" table="jbp_cms_versionentry" lazy="true">
  |       <id
  |          name="key"
  |          column="PK"
  |          type="java.lang.Integer">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |       </id>
  |       <property
  |          name="name"
  |          column="FSENTRY_NAME"
  |          type="string"
  |          length="255"
  |          not-null="false"/>
  |       <property name="path"
  |                 column="FSENTRY_PATH"
  |                 type="string"
  |                 not-null="true"
  |                 length="245"/>
  |       <property name="data"
  |                 column="FSENTRY_DATA"
  |                 type="blob"
  |                 length="100000000"
  |                 not-null="false"/>
  |       <property name="lastmod"
  |                 column="FSENTRY_LASTMOD"
  |                 type="long"
  |                 not-null="true"/>
  |       <property name="length"
  |                 column="FSENTRY_LENGTH"
  |                 type="long"
  |                 not-null="true"/>
  |    </class>
  |    <!--  mapping to persist CMS Fine Grained Security related objects -->
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.security.PermRoleAssoc" table="jbp_cms_perm_role">
  |    		<cache usage="read-write"/> 
  |    		<id
  |             name="id"
  |             column="[ID]"
  |             type="java.lang.Long">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |         </id>
  |         <property
  |            name="roleId"
  |            column="ROLE_ID"
  |            type="string"
  |            not-null="true"
  |            />
  |    </class>
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.security.PermUserAssoc" table="jbp_cms_perm_user">
  |         <cache usage="read-write"/> 
  |    		<id
  |             name="id"
  |             column="[ID]"
  |             type="java.lang.Long">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |         </id>
  |         <property
  |            name="userId"
  |            column="USER_ID"
  |            type="string"
  |            not-null="true"
  |            />
  |    </class>
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.security.Criteria" table="jbp_cms_perm_criteria">
  |         <cache usage="read-write"/> 
  |    		<id
  |             name="id"
  |             column="[ID]"
  |             type="java.lang.Long">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |         </id>
  |         <property
  |            name="name"
  |            column="[NAME]"
  |            type="string"
  |            not-null="true"
  |            />
  |         <property
  |            name="value"
  |            column="VALUE"
  |            type="string"
  |            not-null="true"
  |            />
  |    </class>
  |    <class name="org.jboss.portal.cms.security.Permission" table="jbp_cms_perm">
  |         <cache usage="read-write"/> 
  |    		<id
  |             name="id"
  |             column="[ID]"
  |             type="java.lang.Long">
  |          <generator class="native"/>
  |         </id>
  |       <!-- one-to-many association with the criteria object -->
  |       <set name="criteria" lazy="false" table="jbp_cms_perm_criteria" cascade="all-delete-orphan">
  |             <cache usage="read-write"/> 
  |         	<key column="CMS_PERM_ID"/>
  |         	<one-to-many class="org.jboss.portal.cms.security.Criteria"/>
  |         </set>
  |       <!-- many-to-many association with the role object -->
  |       <set name="roleAssoc" lazy="false" cascade="all-delete-orphan">
  |             <cache usage="read-write"/> 
  |         	<key column="CMS_PERM_ID"/>
  |         	<one-to-many class="org.jboss.portal.cms.security.PermRoleAssoc"/>
  |         </set>
  |       <!-- many-to-many association with the user object -->
  |       <set name="userAssoc" lazy="false" cascade="all-delete-orphan">
  |             <cache usage="read-write"/> 
  |         	<key column="CMS_PERM_ID"/>
  |         	<one-to-many class="org.jboss.portal.cms.security.PermUserAssoc"/>
  |         </set>
  |         <property
  |            name="service"
  |            column="[NAME]"
  |            type="string"
  |            not-null="true"
  |            />
  |         <property
  |            name="action"
  |            column="ACTION"
  |            type="string"
  |            not-null="true"
  |            />
  |         <property
  |            name="negated"
  |            column="NEGATED"
  |            type="boolean"
  |            not-null="true"
  |            />
  |    </class>
  | </hibernate-mapping>

All that changed was escaping out the MSSQL reserved words id and name with brackets ([]).

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