[jboss-user] [Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Unable to pre-compile JSP using ANT task with JBoss 4.2.

depryf do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Apr 24 10:22:58 EDT 2008

That was a pretty good suggestion; I did add those jars but the result was the same. I actually solved my problem; it turned out that our TLD files had <DOCTYPE...> headers in them; and the XML parser didn't like that at all.

I removed the <DOCTYPE...> line and the task executed successfully (note that some of the TLD files had schema information instead of a DOCTYPE, but that seems to fine...

For anybody having the same problem, here is my final pre-compiling task:

  |     <path id="cp.jasper2">
  |         <pathelement location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" />
  |         <pathelement location="${deploy.dir}/jboss-web.deployer/jbossweb.jar" />
  |         <pathelement location="${deploy.dir}/../../../lib/jboss-common.jar" />
  |         <pathelement location="${deploy.dir}/../../../lib/commons-logging.jar" />
  |         <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/eclipse/javaee.jar" />
  |         <pathelement location="${deploy.dir}/../../../lib/endorsed/xercesImpl.jar" />
  |         <pathelement location="${deploy.dir}/../../../lib/endorsed/xalan.jar" />
  |         <pathelement location="${deploy.dir}/../../../lib/endorsed/serializer.jar" />
  |         <fileset dir="${lib.dir}/web" />
  |         <pathelement path="${registry.build.dir}/classes" />
  |         <path refid="cp.lib"/>
  |     </path>

  |     <target name="jspc" description="Pre-compile are JSP files." depends="copy-metadata, compile" if="jsp.precompile">
  |         <echo message="Compiling JSPs..." />
  |         <taskdef classname="org.apache.jasper.JspC" name="jasper2" classpathref="cp.jasper2" />
  |         <!-- this will generate the java files for each JSP file -->
  |         <jasper2 
  |             compile="false" 
  |             validateXml="false" 
  |             uriroot="${build.war.files.dir}" 
  |             webXmlFragment="${registry.build.dir}/generated_web.xml" 
  |             package="${package.web}" 
  |             outputDir="${registry.build.dir}/jsp-src" />
  |         <!-- compile the java files generated in the previous step -->
  |         <javac 
  |             srcdir="${registry.build.dir}/jsp-src" 
  |             destdir="${registry.build.dir}/classes" 
  |             listfiles="${compile.listfiles}" 
  |             failonerror="${compile.failonerror}" 
  |             debug="${compile.debug}" 
  |             debuglevel="${compile.debuglevel}" 
  |             optimize="${compile.optimize}" 
  |             deprecation="${compile.deprecation}" 
  |             classpathref="cp.jasper2" />
  |     </target>

Thanks for the help!

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