[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Lifecycle question
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jan 10 10:18:21 EST 2008
Well it's not a "JSF lifecycle" question in fact, but I guess it's related.
I want to use a stateful bean, backing a xhtml page.
The link is like this:
| <s:link view="/PageactivitesByAssignableMultipleCrossData.xhtml"
| action="#{activitesByAssignableMultipleCrossData.setLotNotRealise}"
| id="SaisieForeCast"
| title="#{msgToolTip.activitesPrevisionnellesByCollaborateurCrossData}">
| <f:param name="realise" value="false" />
| <f:param name="lot" value="true" />
| <f:param name="lotLotId" value="#{forfaitHome.lotLotId}" />
| <h:graphicImage value="/img/folder_user.png" />
| </s:Link>
Correct me if I'm wrong but the event order is:
1) instantiate the destination bean
1b) injections
1c) Pass througt the @Create method if there is one
2) execute the "action" method
3) send the GET parameters
4) make the re-direct to display the view
Am I right ?
In fact, my problem is to use a value passed as a parameter during the @Create annotated method.
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