[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - @WebServiceRef for JAX-RPC service?
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jun 6 13:17:11 EDT 2008
Hi, does the @WebServiceRef annotation work for JAX-RPC services?
I can retrieve and use a service from the InitalContext (so I know it works) but I was hoping to get rid of the JNDI lookup. However if I use @WebServiceRef I just get a NullPointerException. Do I have to do anything fancy in my web.xml in order to enable the annotation scanning? This is all in a servlet.
I'm using JBossAS 4.2.2.GA upgraded to the latest JBossWS client (3.0.1-native-2.0.4.GA)
This doesn't work:
| public class TestServiceServlet extends HttpServlet {
| @WebServiceRef(wsdlLocation="META-INF/wsdl/IEnNET.wsdl")
| IEnNETService service;
| @Override
| protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
| throws ServletException, IOException {
| try {
| IEnNET port = service.getIEnNETPort(); // throws NPE
| // ...
This does work:
| public class TestServiceServlet extends HttpServlet {
| @Override
| protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
| throws ServletException, IOException {
| try {
| InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
| IEnNETService service = (IEnNETService)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/service/EnNET");
| IEnNET port = service.getIEnNETPort();
web.xml looks like this:
| <service-ref>
| <service-ref-name>service/EnNET</service-ref-name>
| <service-interface>com.gridlogix.webservices.IEnNETService</service-interface>
| <wsdl-file>META-INF/wsdl/IEnNET.wsdl</wsdl-file>
| <jaxrpc-mapping-file>META-INF/jaxrpc-mapping.xml</jaxrpc-mapping-file>
| <port-component-ref>
| <service-endpoint-interface>com.gridlogix.webservices.IEnNET</service-endpoint-interface>
| </port-component-ref>
| </service-ref>
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