[jboss-user] [Spring Integration] New message: "Re: Issue with LoadTimeWeaver"

David Webster do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Feb 10 15:21:37 EST 2010

User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "Issue with LoadTimeWeaver":


Author  : David Webster
Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/dawebster

Thanks, that was the issue, took spring.jar out of the WEB-INF/lib and that did the trick.
This is a spring JPA application but it defaults to whatever the underlying container uses for it's persistence implementation.  In WebLogic it uses Kodo, in Glassfish it uses toplink-essentials, but it JBoss it cleanly implements Hibernate.  JBoss EWS you have to provide your own, so I opted for Toplink-essentials.   Transaction management is all AOP based so I assumed I needed loadTime class weaving anyway even if Hibernate was the persistance provider.  Maybe not since I'm using a jta transaction source in Jboss EAP?  I'll play around with it some more but seems fine now.


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