[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] New message: "Application/EAR level interceptors"
Thomas Goettlich
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Feb 12 11:30:13 EST 2010
User development,
A new message was posted in the thread "Application/EAR level interceptors":
Author : Thomas Goettlich
Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/ThomasGo
I want to intercept every session bean invocations in my application but I could not yet figure out how to declare EAR level interceptors.
I already tried JAR level interceptors, i.e. putting an ejb-jar.xml in my ejb jars and declaring the interceptor for all session beans in that jar.
My applications contains multiple ejb jars and some of them are beyond my control, i.e. I can't add or change an ejb-jar.xml there.
However, I still need to intercept their calls.
Another thing I tried was server level interceptors, i.e. the interceptors were placed inside a jar in the server's lib directory and registered using a xxx-aop.xml file in the server's deploy directory.
However, this also isn't an option, since there are other applications that will be deployed on the same machine and the interceptor should not be visible to them (and no calls should be intercepted).
A third alternative would be load-time weaving, but that's an option that is not preferred by our server administrators, since it would enable load-time weaving for all deployed applications and would also require to patch our JBoss server (which is version 4.2.3.GA, btw).
So the question remains: +Is it possible to declare EAR level interceptors? And if so, how would I do that?+
Any help would ver highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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