[jboss-user] [Beginner's Corner] New message: "Re: Can jboss AS 6 M1 be used in a production environment?"
tzahi f
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jan 20 13:54:33 EST 2010
User development,
A new message was posted in the thread "Can jboss AS 6 M1 be used in a production environment?":
Author : tzahi f
Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/tzahi
Ok, thanks.
What i am really looking for is some suggestions to how to build my application.
Should i start with "seam" framwork or any other framework out there or just use jboss as is (as i did till now in the company i work for, my components where a small part in a huge system built terribly wrong ).
What i need is, of course, a connection between the JSP input fields to the database and have some logic between them. JBOSS (or java ee) is a big thing and i am not sure i need to learn or use everything from the start. What keywords for the jboss parts should i start reading about to get me in the right direction?
Thanks again.
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