[jboss-user] [JBoss Microcontainer Development] - Wildcard support in Dynamic-imports
Adrian Brock
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jun 8 11:26:19 EDT 2010
Adrian Brock [http://community.jboss.org/people/warjort] replied to the discussion
"Wildcard support in Dynamic-imports"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/546816#546816
Looks kind of ok. But...
1) You should use the delegate you just created NOT the module.
The operations on the module don't respect export restrictions, they can see private stuff.
Like I said before, you shouldn't be using those module operations. They are for debug purposes on the management console.
i.e. the request starts from that module which is not the case here.
You want the operation to go through the delegate to the other policy with whatever export/import restrictions apply.
*protected* DelegateLoader resolve(String pckg)
Requirement requirement = *new* PackageRequirement(pckg, range);
// TODO -- add this DI to module? new DI impl to remove delegate from policy when resolved module goes away?
RequirementDependencyItem item = *new* RequirementDependencyItem(module, requirement, module.getClassLoaderState(), ControllerState.INSTALLED);
*if* (item.resolve(controller))
ClassLoaderPolicy policy = getPolicy();
// TODO -- add delegate to policy
return delegate;
*return* null;
2) I think you should return null for failures, I didn't check but I remember trying to write the internal handling of "not found" to not throw
ClassNotFoundExceptions all over the place. Throwing the RuntimeException would likely mean it doesn't go onto the next delegate?
3) You don't show how you are handling the undeploy of the dynamically resolved module when it is not shutdownPolicy=GarbageCollection.
It will move your ClassLoaderPolicy back to DESCRIBED since one of the dependencies has been removed. But I think you should also
remove the dynamic wildcard dependency items you will be adding in the first TODO shown above.
For shutdownPolicy=GarbageCollection you still need to do something in the Module to make the refreshPackages() stuff work properly.
For the GC policy used by OSGi, the dependsOnMe are tracked inside the Module rather than the DependencyInfo.
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