[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Re: In memory TaskClient without Mina or JMS
Franklin Antony
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jul 21 10:15:27 EDT 2011
Franklin Antony [http://community.jboss.org/people/frankee787] created the discussion
"Re: In memory TaskClient without Mina or JMS"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/616710#616710
Hi Mauricio,
I have tried to put together as much information as possible , but its really hard to express all the possible use cases. Anyways, following are what I am facing right now.
I think one of the major pains everyone is suffering is the Transaction Management aspect.
As mentioned, the HumanTask Service is completely emebedabble and is one of the *STRONGEST* points of jBPM. However that is also one of the biggest problems now. Let me explain
My application uses the the following to create a client and interact with a task. No process is associated with this.
client = new TaskClient(new MinaTaskClientConnector("client", new MinaTaskClientHandler(SystemEventListenerFactory.getSystemEventListener())));
In a situation like the following
1)I insert/update into my database(Flight ticket Task / User Approval Task / Backoffice Data Auditing etc: business specific data)
2)I call client.addTask(task, null, addTaskResponseHandler) (to create a task in jBPM)
3)I update my database saying the task has been created sucessfully in jBPM
NOTE: Reason for step 1 is as follows : Putting all business related data inside the TaskData doesnt seem to be good idea(Getting serialized and persisted, looses the ability to search). Also there is no task history being mainted in the jBPM
How can I ensure steps 1 - 3 are in one transaction?
This should be achieveable outside an appserver since HumanTask Service is completely emebedabble.
My application uses a Kession to start of a process(which comprises of mutiple human tasks)
In a situation like the following
1)I insert/update into my database saying process has been started(Flight ticket booking Process/ User Enrollment Process etc: business specific processes)
2)I call ksession.startProcess("com.sample.evaluation", params) (to start the process in jBPM)
3)I update my database saying the process has been started sucessfully in jBPM
How can I ensure steps 1 - 3 are in one transaction?
How can my business application be notified when a Task is being created as part of a process execution?
This should also be achieveable outside an appserver since HumanTask Service is completely emebedabble.
Putting all business related data inside the TaskData doesnt seem to be good idea(Getting serialized and persisted, looses the ability to search). It would be better just to keep a reference of your business data inside TaskData and look it up when interacting with a Task.
Which brings us to the last question. How can my business application be notified when a Task is being created as part of a process so that this reference can be made in my application.
I hope my USER CASESes are clear now ?
Thanks a lot Mauricio for hearing out for the community.
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