[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Re: jBPM 5.3 jbpm-console problem
Franck cdsosi
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Aug 8 13:12:29 EDT 2012
Franck cdsosi [https://community.jboss.org/people/cdsosi] created the discussion
"Re: jBPM 5.3 jbpm-console problem"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/752679#752679
Thanks Maciej for replying, my answers following...
> Franck cdsosi wrote:
> Hi community,
> Just some words to say that I am facing same kind of problems as stated in a similar post opened by me ( https://community.jboss.org/thread/203147 https://community.jboss.org/thread/203147).
> I think there is a lot of users in the same situation and it is really disappointing not to get this jBPM console working as Human Tasks are quite (!) important within a business process. I can't figure myself on how using jBPM5 without Human Task showing in jBPM console :(
This usually happens when users start to change default configuration without fully understanding what needs to be done. I agree that documentation should be improved in that part but it takes time and contribution is always welcome.
=> I did not change anything, I just ran the demo and did not even try the part involving database changing! I just install Java JDK 1.6.0_32 and ant 1.8.4 on Windows 7 Pro and then start to play with the demo.
=> I agree with you as far as changing configuration is concerned that's why I am asking a lot of questions since I hate changing things that I do not understand or master ;)
> Franck cdsosi wrote:
> I have many stack trace messages in server.log but do not know how to fix them. Some seems to be related to the running OS (e.g. https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBPM-3747 https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBPM-3747)...
> => I may be a good thing to tell which OS we are running jBPM5 as this may be a hint even if a Java / ant environnement is supposed to be running on any Java compliant OS...
I have not seen OS specific problems with task and console, of course that does not mean they could not happen. Issue you are referring here is designer and guvnor related only.
=> Right, I did not say that it was in relation with jBPM console or task but just that OS can make errors occurring. When you have problems with part of the demo (i.e. jBPM console for instance), you try to dig other jBPM parts of the documentation ;)
> Franck cdsosi wrote:
> I noticed that there were problems in using the jBPM console to get human tasks appearing in the Personal Tasks tab but when you use the simple Human Task View under eclipse with the correct user, the task generally appears. May be a hint for the jBPM Team ?
> Can others users try to test Evaluation Process through jBPM console and if no task appears try within Human Task View under eclipse and give feed back. I suppose eclipse and jBPM console are asking the same Human Task Service?
It depends on your environment but if configured properly they should talk to the same task server.
=>Ok it is the case since I did not touch anything for running demo.
> Franck cdsosi wrote:
> Question to the jBPM Team : is a new full package version planned to be released soon ?
> What about your feeling about all the users experiencing problems with jBPM console. I guess you have a more accurate overview of the problems in relation with jBPM console may be through JIRA Issues opened?
> Can you give us your feedback?
Version 5.4 is scheduled to be released beginning of October.
=> Nice to hear that ;)
According to my knowledge problems related to what you're referring to are just few. In most cased console has no issues to talk to task server if configured properly.
Franck, thanks a lot for your feedback it is well appreciated but please keep in mind that we do our best to help out and the other side should do their best to provide as much information as possible to describe the environment and configuration otherwise it is impossible to support you.
=> I do not blame anyone nor telling that no help is provided... Actually I try to find out first how to fix problems on my own before asking help from community. When I followed the steps described in the demo scenario I encountered the problems without knowing which particular actions I've made to encounter this problems that's why it is difficult to give steps to reproduce. I usually try to be as accurate as possible ;) As mentioned just few lines before, my environment is Java JDK 1.6.0_32 (x86) and ant 1.8.4 running on Windows 7 Professional !
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