[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Re: My BPMN Process(with human tasks) is not getting visible in JBPM console

S V S G Krishna Murthy K do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jan 19 03:46:10 EST 2012

S V S G Krishna Murthy K [https://community.jboss.org/people/murthy516] created the discussion

"Re: My BPMN Process(with human tasks) is not getting visible in JBPM console"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/647542#647542

Hi Tihomir,

I followed these steps.

1.Created BPMN Process in eclipse and added to guvnor.In guvnor I added packagename to that process in Properties editor,and added the tasknames for every task in the properties editor.

2.Generated taskforms,validated with no errors.Saved changes and builded package successfuly..

3.Now,I'm able to see process in the JBPM console.And successfuly processed first taskform.But,for the next user Personaltasks is not available.

Here,I'm sending my simple process.Please find in attachment.

And When I started the process for first user,and when I click diagram,I'm unable to see the process diagram..Which steps i should follow to view the diagram in JBPM console.If it is from eclipse means,I was clear that i should create PNG file for ftl files and BPMN Process and place it in lib directory.But,When It comes to guvnor what should I do to view the diagram in JBPM console.

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