[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Re: Setting Node Metadata

Sandra Renaud do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Apr 4 09:13:16 EDT 2013

Sandra Renaud [https://community.jboss.org/people/joploya] created the discussion

"Re: Setting Node Metadata"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/806466#806466

OK, I make search on your problem and find this :

  https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/2-806466-20550/metadata_topic_1.png  https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/2-806466-20550/450-299/metadata_topic_1.png 
I try to add a new field in metadata but no impact on the xml code :
  https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/2-806466-20551/metadata_topic_2.png  https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/2-806466-20551/450-279/metadata_topic_2.png   https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/2-806466-20552/metadata_topic_3.png  https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/2-806466-20552/450-294/metadata_topic_3.png 

But for me it seems to be normal because when we modify the flow with the graphical interface, it is transform/interpreted with the jbpm-bpmn2 package I think.
  https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/2-806466-20553/metadata_topic_4.png  https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/2-806466-20553/292-413/metadata_topic_4.png 

And if you see the doc in supported elements you can see that no more attributes are supported for every task :
1. *6.3. Supported elements / attributes*
*Table 6.1. Keywords*
| *Element* | *Supported attributes* | *Supported elements* | *Extension attributes* | *Extension elements* |
| *definitions* |   | rootElement BPMNDiagram |   |   |
| *process* | processType isExecutable name id | property laneSet flowElement | packageName adHoc version | import global |
| *sequenceFlow* | sourceRef targetRef isImmediate name id | conditionExpression | priority bendpoints |  |
 |   |   |   |   |
| *Activities* |   |   |   |   |
| *task* | name id | ioSpecification dataInputAssociation dataOutputAssociation | taskName x y width height |   |
| *scriptTask* | scriptFormat name id | script | x y width height |   |
| *script* |   | text[mixed content] |   |   |
| *userTask* | name id | ioSpecification dataInputAssociation dataOutputAssociation resourceRole | x y width height | onEntry-script onExit-script |
| *potentialOwner* |   | resourceAssignmentExpression |   |   |
| *resourceAssignmentExpression* |   | expression |   |   |
| *businessRuleTask* | name id |   | x y width height ruleFlowGroup | onEntry-script onExit-script |
| *manualTask* | name id |   | x y width height | onEntry-script onExit-script |
| *sendTask* | messageRef name id | ioSpecification dataInputAssociation | x y width height | onEntry-script onExit-script |
| *receiveTask* | messageRef name id | ioSpecification dataOutputAssociation | x y width height | onEntry-script onExit-script |
| *serviceTask* | operationRef name id | ioSpecification dataInputAssociation dataOutputAssociation | x y width height | onEntry-script onExit-script |
| *subProcess* | name id | flowElement property loopCharacteristics | x y width height |   |
| *adHocSubProcess* | cancelRemainingInstances name id | completionCondition flowElement property | x y width height |   |
| *callActivity* | calledElement name id | ioSpecification dataInputAssociation dataOutputAssociation | x y width height waitForCompletion independent | onEntry-script onExit-script |
| *multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics* |   | loopDataInputRef inputDataItem |   |   |
| *onEntry-script** | scriptFormat |   | script |   |
| *onExit-script** | scriptFormat |   | script |   |
| **  |   |   |   |   |
| *Gateways* |   |   |   |   |
| *parallelGateway* | gatewayDirection name id |   | x y width height |   |
| *eventBasedGateway* | gatewayDirection name id |   | x y width height |   |
| *exclusiveGateway* | default gatewayDirection name id |   | x y width height |   |
| *inclusiveGateway* | default gatewayDirection name id |   | x y width height |   |
| **  |   |   |   |   |
| *Data* |   |   |   |   |
| *property* | itemSubjectRef id |   |   |   |
| *dataObject* | itemSubjectRef id |   |   |   |
| *itemDefinition* | structureRef id |   |   |   |
| *ioSpecification* |   | dataInput dataOutput inputSet outputSet |   |   |
| *dataInput* | name id |   |   |   |
| *dataInputAssociation* |   | sourceRef targetRef assignment |   |   |
| *dataOutput* | name id |   |   |   |
| *dataOutputAssociation* |   | sourceRef targetRef assignment |   |   |
| *inputSet* |   | dataInputRefs |   |   |
| *outputSet* |   | dataOutputRefs |   |   |
| *assignment* |   | from to |   |   |
| *formalExpression* | language | text[mixed content] |   |   |
| **  |   |   |   |   |
| *BPMNDI* |   |   |   |   |
| *BPMNDiagram* |   | BPMNPlane |   |   |
| *BPMNPlane* | bpmnElement | BPMNEdge BPMNShape |   |   |
| *BPMNShape* | bpmnElement | Bounds |   |   |
| *BPMNEdge* | bpmnElement | waypoint |   |   |
| *Bounds* | x y width height |   |   |   |
| *waypoint* | x y |   |   |   |

So maybe by modifying the org.jbpm.bpmn2 package you could add more metadatas but there is certainly another way to know in which type of node you are.

Perhaps by using directly the map variables or programmatically by retrieving the Node from the processInstance.


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