[jbosscache-dev] Finalizing JBCACHE-840

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at jboss.com
Wed Jan 10 18:44:19 EST 2007

jbosscache-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org wrote:

> 3) I want to finish up JBCACHE-840 tomorrow and hookup CC to
> test all non-local test with tcp jgroups stack as well.
> Should I simply add another target such as
> all-unit-test-tcp-cc? How do we tell CC to make another
> testsuite run and make a report for it?

Have a look at tests-clustering-all-stacks in the AS testsuite
build.xml.  It basically re-runs all the tests with a different config,
and info about the config is appended to the name of the test report so
the 2nd run doesn't overwrite the 1st.  I'm sure what you'd do would be
different, but you can probably gets some ideas from there.

- Brian

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