[jbosscache-dev] JBCACHE-471 - Handling JGroups MERGE

Bela Ban bela at jboss.com
Fri Mar 21 07:52:36 EDT 2008

Couple of thoughts:

    * The interface is not top priority, because uses can handle a merge
      even today, without the interface
    * That being said, it is more important IMO to *handle* the merge
      than to provide the interface, for example we should handle merging in
          o HTTP session replication
          o JBC as a 2nd level cache for Hibernate
          o SFSB repl (in the context of SFSBs becoming more important
            with Seam ?)
    * Yes, any interface should be tagged as experimental, as I'm sure
      we will need to modify it as more use cases come along

Bela Ban
Lead JGroups / Clustering Team
JBoss - a division of Red Hat

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