[jbosscache-dev] Hibernate testsuite bound to internals of JBoss Cache 2.X

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Thu May 1 08:59:56 EDT 2008

Manik Surtani wrote:
> I just spotted this, trying to run the Hibernate test suite against a 
> snapshot of 2.2.0:
> org.hibernate.test.cache.jbc2.functional.util.CustomClassLoaderCacheFactory 
> uses an internal class, CacheImpl.java, that no longer exists in 2.2.0.

Good catch.

> Brian, I vaguely remember you mentioning this to me in the past, should 
> have provided a proper extension point at the time.  

You did, via DefaultCacheFactory.setDefaultCacheLoader(). This class was 
just a leftover from my workaround before you did that. Wasn't used 
anymore, is now gone from svn, won't be in Hibernate 3.3.0.GA.

> Do you know if it 
> is just this test class that extends DefaultCacheFactory, or do you know 
> if this is extended in this manner in production code as well - in any 
> of the AS clustering projects?

99% sure not; for sure not anywhere outside of a test suite. I'll check 
any test fixtures; if there I'll get rid of it as it's not needed.

> Cheers,
> -- 
> Manik Surtani
> Lead, JBoss Cache
> manik at jboss.org
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Brian Stansberry
Lead, AS Clustering
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
brian.stansberry at redhat.com

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