[jbosscache-dev] Re: Non Blocking State Transfer Status (& Integration with JGroups)

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Tue Jan 6 17:05:00 EST 2009

Jason T. Greene wrote:
> Brian Stansberry wrote:
>> Jason T. Greene wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I wanted to summarize my initial research into NBST. The planned 
>>> design (outlined in the wiki: 
>>> http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-10275) only needs to block 
>>> transactional activity once, at the end of the process when sending 
>>> the tx log. Unfortunately it appears that flush and partial flush can 
>>> not be used for this, since the application needs the ability to send 
>>> state (tx log) during the flush. I.e. transactions need to be paused 
>>> by only 2 nodes, while the transfer state. This however is not a big 
>>> deal because we can just do this in JBoss Cache using a normal RPC 
>>> message that flips a gate.
>>> In addition, the state transfer and streaming state transfer 
>>> facilities in jgroups can not be used (since they are designed around 
>>> blocking the entire group). This means JBoss Cache needs to stream 
>>> state itself. Ideally this would be a separate point-to-point 
>>> connection, since we don't want to pollute multicast traffic with 
>>> potentially huge volumes of noise. Currently jgroups does not yet 
>>> support a streaming API like this:
>>> https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JGRP-653
>>> IMO This leaves us with 3 options:
>>> 1. Wait on JGRP-653 (upping its priority), also add requirements for 
>>> a p2p connection.
>>> 2. Implement our own p2p connection using tcp (probably using xnio).
>>> 3. Somehow enhance state transfer / partial flush to meet our needs
>>> Option 1 seems to be a useful feature for other applications. 
>>> Although we need feedback from Bela and Vladimir about that.
>>> Option 2 would give us more flexibility in the implementation, 
>>> however care has to be taken to ensure that communication can only 
>>> happen between group members (for security reasons), and that the 
>>> network address configurations are somehow reused.
>>> Option 3 I am less found of, since we would likely end up adding a 
>>> bunch of JBoss Cache specific code to JGroups that no one else would 
>>> use.
>> Option 2 makes me nervous. Two separate communication frameworks, 
>> added dependencies, opening new sockets etc. Sounds like integration 
>> hassles for sure.
> Yes there are definitely integration hassles that make this option less 
> desirable than the first.
>  From a dependency perspective, we are already using non-jgroups p2p 
> with TCPCacheServer (currently Java sockets based), although I believe 
> Manik was evaluating xnio for it since it would simplify development. 
> While it is an added dep for JBC, it will eventually be part of AS, 
> since Remoting 3 depends on it.

Yeah, that's part of the concern. Two otherwise independent projects 
using an underlying library for a critical function and both have to 
play nice in the AS.  In my self-centered viewpoint TcpCacheServer isn't 
a critical function since I don't use it. ;) (Mostly kidding here; I 
recognize that AS users may use it so it would need to work in the AS.)

BTW, is a *JGroups* streaming API necessary here?  The old AS Farm 
service passed arbitrary sized files by sending byte[] chunks via 
RpcDispatcher calls. Worked fine. That's not quite what JBC would need, 
since FarmService read a chunk from a FileInputStream and passed it to 
JGroups; you'd want an OutputStream impl that would pass a chunk to 
JGroups when it's internal buffer reached size X.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not arguing against JGRP-653. But JBC could 
create an interface and factory for this and implement it itself, 
replacing with a better impl that delegates to JGroups when JGroups 
supports it. Or even replace it with an xnio-based impl if that proves a 
good way to go.

Brian Stansberry
Lead, AS Clustering
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
brian.stansberry at redhat.com

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