[jbossdeveloper] Do we need to tag the quickstarts?

Paul Robinson paul.robinson at redhat.com
Fri Aug 15 09:26:44 EDT 2014

Comments in line for this email and your first one.

On 15 Aug 2014, at 14:01, Rafael Benevides <benevides at redhat.com> wrote:

> Ref to the branches, I also think that we should do a cleanup removing
> - 6.2.x-develop
> - 6.3.x-develop

IMO: Correct, providing there are no micro releases of EAP 6.2 and EAP 6.3 planned.

> - jdf-2.1.9.Final
> branches (keeping the tags)
> Btw,
> There's also a kitchensink-angularjs and wildfly branches that were not 
> updated since last year.
> Anyone has any objections on removing theses branches ?
> Em 8/14/14, 16:04, Sande Gilda escreveu:
>> Rafael, that sounds great to me.
>> Paul, does this work for you?
>> On 08/14/2014 02:26 PM, Rafael Benevides wrote:
>>> I think we should tag the 6.3 quickstarts, then keep the same 6.3.x 
>>> for EAP 6.3.1 and rename the 6.3.x-develop to 6.4.x-develop
>>> 6.3.x-develop -> rename to 6.4.x-develop
>>> 6.3.x -> keep it to EAP 6.3.1

This looks right to me too. See: https://mojo.redhat.com/docs/DOC-928619

>>> That's what I think about it.
>>> Em 8/14/14, 14:33, Sande Gilda escreveu:
>>>> Now that JBoss EAP 6.3 is GA, do we need to tag the quickstarts and 
>>>> create new branches for EAP 6.3.1 and EAP 6.4? It's so seldom we do 
>>>> this that I forget!
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Paul Robinson
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