[jbossdeveloper] Update JBoss Developer Materials to Java EE 7

Rafael Benevides benevides at redhat.com
Tue Aug 26 07:15:09 EDT 2014

Ooops! I was using the Quickstart filter to look for them. So I realized 
the "Sandbox (unsupported)" filter.

Ok. So my question doesn't make sense. Please, ignore it. :)

Em 8/26/14, 8:10, Pete Muir escreveu:
>> I asked that becausehttp://www.github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-sandbox-quickstarts  contains other quickstarts (BRMS 5.3, EJB-Security-*, Picketlink, AngularJS-Topcoat) that I think that won't need to be published to developer-materials. Do we really want to publish every quickstart fromhttps://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-sandbox-quickstarts/*  ?
> Yes, we do already.

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