[jbossdeveloper] <repository /> definition in pom.xml for Quickstarts and Demos

Rafael Benevides benevides at redhat.com
Fri Nov 14 07:20:10 EST 2014

If I'm not wrong, We are trying to make it easy (by avoiding 
settings.xml file updates) to everyone from _final __users_ to 
_contributors_ or even for _developers_ or _tools_ who want to try it 
with a mvn clean compile just as happened with Arun, Porcelli, etc

For unreleased Quickstarts, the "stable" branch will need the 
settings.xml file update anyway because we use internal engineer 
repositories.  For "-develop" branch, If we don't have the 
jboss-developer-staging repo added to quickstarts, I feel that we will 
only achieve our goal partially (final users that uses G.A quickstarts).

Experienced developers who will try our Quickstarts for the first time 
and go directly to github, will need to read the documentation or query 
someone to figure out that they should add jboss-developer-staging repo 
to do a single mvn compile.

I think that there's no issue if we add jboss-developer-staging repo on 
a "-develop" branch as long as we keep only the right repos for "stable" 
branch. That's why QSTools:repositories goal was created for - This goal 
is capable of add/remove repos easily.
On 11/14/14 08:51, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>> This repo I do not understand what is for and should not be exposed 
>>> anywhere IMO. Only relevant to put in testers own settings.xml is it 
>>> not ?
>>> jboss-developer-staging-repository
>>> http://jboss-developer.github.io/temp-maven-repo/ 
>>> <http://jboss-developer.github.io/temp-maven-repo/>
>> Agreed, this one should never appear in a POM.
> +1
> /max 

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