[jbossdeveloper] <repository /> on quickstarts pom.xml

Marek Novotny mnovotny at redhat.com
Thu Nov 27 10:54:44 EST 2014

On 27.11.2014 16:47, Julian Coleman wrote:
> Hi,
>> Julian, I would suggest to use maven cli "-s" with settings to your
>> staging repository. Do not inject that into quickstarts, repositories
>> are injected ONLY for public end users. We are advanced users so we
>> should use CLI with a specified settings.xml.
> I was thinking more of how will the QE teams verify that things will work as
> expected?  If the customers will run the quickstarts without specifying a
> settings.xml file on the maven command line (or in JBoss Tools), then that
> should be what is tested.  If the infrastructure at the time of testing isn't
> the same as when the release is done, then how will QE verify (or automate
> tests to verify) that the quickstarts are correct?
> Thanks,
> J
QE should verify the QS with Maven zipped repository files until we have
the staging and online Maven repository server by Nexus (yes, that is
coming - see Wolf project)

As we know that zip files are extracted in our current Tech preview
repository and later in staging and online supported repos. QE should
verify just that all GAVs from zip files are in online repository with
comparison to zipped Maven repository - that I think Karel Piwko and
John Casey produced some verification tool.

Marek Novotny
WFK and Seam Product Lead

Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
Purkynova 99
612 45 Brno

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